You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
I can sudo. Last time I looked into this, Memtest86+ version 6 was required to work with UEFI but it wasn’t available for Ubuntu 22.04. Now it seems that 24.04 has it, so I might update and see if I can get the test running. Thanks for the suggestion!
I can’t run memtest unfortunately. The option isn’t there and I don’t have permission to boot from a USB stick.
I do have an interview scheduled, just saying…
It wouldn’t affect boot though.
I just did that! Brilliant idea, thanks!
That’s a good idea. If I can get it to boot today, I will check the logs, thanks!
It’s not hard to reproduce, but it’s annoying that when they finally came here to check it, no problems happened. I had to bug them so much to even get them to have a look.
Right. ‘Lasagna’ in particular is spelt exactly like it’s pronounced in Italian.
It’s not necessarily a threat of violence. A lot of people would just feel ashamed to criticise other people in person would feel fine to do it on the Internet. Being a dick is a lot harder when you can see the effects of your words on the other person.
According to what I have heard, other elite hacker skills that are at risk of getting lost in the younger generations include searching on Google and using e-mail.
I did run a similar test and there were no errors detected. Thanks anyway!