True, but isn’t it kind of a fun trope for the game at this point? Perhaps even a trope for the shows?
Hopefully they’ll work the update into a story. It’d be nice to have more narrative to changes within the game, as the new team takes over.
I second many of your points. And, also…
“the purple D”
Had me immediately thinking, “Well, STO vanity shields are canon now, I guess.”
Mudd’s 32nd Century Legacy Choice Pack is coming to Xbox and PlayStation this week, together with 50% off Mudd Bundles on all platforms!
… All Mudd bundles, including those that have previously appeared in Mudd’s Market, will be on sale for 50% off… from November 28th at 8am PT until December 9th at 12pm PT on PC, and from November 28th at 8am PT until December 12th at 12pm PT on Xbox and PlayStation
… the old Mudd Bundles appearing a little later here on December 3rd at 8am PT.
Mudd’s 32nd Century Legacy Choice Pack is coming to Xbox and PlayStation.
The intent behind my original reply was to complain and hope for a change in how dark recent Trek shows have been, except SNW. I know we all have our favorites; I’m just not at all a fan of this trend of the bad guys being cool in Star Trek. Again, in Star Trek. The casts, the acting, the production are all great and I’m glad more Trek exists; I, personally, just wish it was a bit more shiny.
Do I want those shows not to exist in the first place? No. I just don’t rewatch them like I do others, thus I don’t care to make pumpkins about starring characters who are not the characters I’d want in humanity’s future.
That’s great! My original en-edited reply congratulated you, but then I thought, “This is the internet. Burrito Trucks can’t carve pumpkins…” LOL
My favorite is the Mugato.
Fair point and well done (to the artists)!!
How about we carve a Spock or Picard or Mariner or really anyone else who isn’t a genocidal dictator? Hmm? Maybe?
No? Perhaps my dream for Star Trek has too much hope for humanity’s future? Not enough grit, tears, and flashy booms?
Agreed. I would have loved to have that kind of callback to the story.
That was a lot of fun to watch. Thanks for providing the links to the various segments!
Fair point! I think you’re spot on with the quality of the episodes (as game pieces) themselves. Story, meh, but game design/graphics, wow!
We’ll see what happens. As the famous trombone player said, “Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise.”
Well said. And it’s been an enjoyable journey throughout.
Some of the stories have been lackluster here and there, but that in itself is Star Trek. Not every show/game/story is going to be for everyone, yet beautifully all are welcome as trekkers/trekkies.
The game will probably soldier on for a significant period of time.
Agreed, but I would adjust that wording (whether “solidering”, “limping”, or “on life support”) based on how the first DECA content feels.
It will probably be in a “zombie” state, not unlike that of Champions Online (as I understand it, I don’t really play that game).
Feels like it has been since 2020, if not a little before, IMO.
We’re closer to STO’s end than its beginning.
STO 2 when? 😛 Joking aside, we really are near its end. I wish that 3D model company hadn’t turned and run after taking orders (yes, they refunded eventually); I’d have liked to have some of my ships as models to remember STO.
At this point, with as many years as STO has had, I’m guessing “shard maintenance” is just a chance to clean out the hamster cages for the next week.
I didn’t even notice this posting. In fact, I was surprised when I saw the shard message in-game today; I figured they were skipping this week.
This one was a variation on “Ninth Rule”. Same system too. Like the other patrol, this one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while learning the mechanics of the patrol. It feels “slower” than the other patrol, probably because there’s more hopping around the map (just like Ninth Rule). The waves at the end are super easy compared to even a Normal Ninth Rule.
This one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while taking a tiny bit of time to learn the mechanics. Pretty easy and quick. This will likely be what I do to run the daily and just do it twice. I can probably shave it down to about 2 minutes once I know the map better.
I’ll give it a shot and see how it goes.
I wouldn’t consider myself a DPS chaser either, since I haven’t even parsed my ship builds in at least a year or two. However, I definitely follow the meta and know I have (or at least) had some high DPS when I did parse.
TLDR: Maybe not a DPSer, more like a fast-damage hobbyist.
How does this one feel, compared to other patrols? Sounds similar to the “Rescue and Search” patrol.
(As an aside, I really appreciate the way Fero has been making the important text bold. Makes my little summary copy-paste so much easier.)