The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens. That fucking oompa-loompa blowhard talks loud but needs to STFU.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens. That fucking oompa-loompa blowhard talks loud but needs to STFU.
I mean, I’m cool with redrawing the Canadian border… as long as we add the West Coast to Canada.
Just checking my recollection. G.I. Joe had the hovercraft and Cobra had the hydrofoil right? Did anyone ever make a stadium sized hydrofoil?
Spoiler. This is exactly what it’s like having kids.
Before the days of Old Country Buffet we had an all you can eat place (that was huge for a suburb) called Kings Table. We went there all the time for Alaskan King Crab nights. They also had a banana boat bar for making banana, soft serve ice cream, whipped cream, and sugar sauce (chocolate, butterscotch , or strawberry) monstrosities!! Anyone else remember these?!
That’s shitty.