Dick replacement. When you can’t see yours anymore, gotta get an external one.
I have fleas. https://www.snand.org/
Dick replacement. When you can’t see yours anymore, gotta get an external one.
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Enough were fine with it.
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No shit I’m tired of the post-mortem quarterbacking. There’s always one weird trick that you can point to, everyone wants an easy reason why this happened.
Well, I have one. america is a fascist country. Apparently we just decided to forgo the plausible deniability.
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I get it, been feeling a lot of the same feelings lately myself. the conclusion I’ve come to is that I do good things for me, not for others. I live by the old Wellstone mantra of “Everyone does better when everyone does better”. In the end I’m just as selfish as anyone since I’m ultimately after my own satisfaction, but to have that, I need good, happy, safe, secure, loving people around me.
I used to be an optimist, I used to believe in the good of people. I don’t anymore, people are mostly terrible, but the good ones are great and those connections are worth keeping and fighting for.
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K, sorry, felt like you were defending the greens and wasn’t sure where you were going…
I agree completely. But there was one before the election, and one before that, and one before that. Nothing good ever happens at once, it takes long and gradual change. I’m with you on the no real choice this time around but despite that, we got it objectively wrong. Point is a vote ain’t enough, and I blame stupid, lazy, simple minded people for that.
Kamala wasn’t a savior, but if people understood that progress is incremental and hard, they wouldn’t have voted for turnip. I blame the system yes, but we should be smart enough to play the game. We’re about to get what we asked for.
Anyway. Again sorry for being a shithead, I’m most certainly blowing off steam. Again, a little triggered by what I felt was the thinking that got us here. But again, my words are directed at the words, not the people. I’m usually a lot nicer when I’m not facing looming fascism.
this is very much the democrats and republicans (the greens really did nothing) show.
I disagree, dems, republicans, greens, etc., they do what they always do, try to amass as much power as they can. It’s up to us to look at those choices that we have and make a good one. Usually it’s fairly inconsequential, often time it’s not though, and so it’s ultimately up to us to be informed and make the best choice. Saying things like you will never vote for a party again, when they are just another side of the same dice, is the sort of thinking that we actively MUST avoid.
We have a broken system, but at least up until now, we had the ultimate power to change it. We sure did this time, I sincerely hope we can do it again. If so, I pray we ALL take it seriously.
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