How much of the data do you think is collected, kept, and used long term? i.e. what proportion and amount
(I realize this might be a better question for privacy, but I managed to get myself banned for flaming some piracy folks)
The universe will remember you forever.
Pretty much everybody is forgotten. Our data may persist but who will want to look at it outside specific arbitrary examples.
How much of the data do you think is collected
I would assume all data that companies can get their hands on. Fun fact, I installed Windows 10 in a VM a few days ago and it had like 5 “do you want to send us optional data or only the required data? Y/n” screens in the installer alone 💀
kept, and used long term
Probably until you request it’s deletion using a law like GDPR. Data is valuable because:
- it’s used in targeted advertising
- it can be sold to data brokers
- it can be sold to government agencies
- depending on the type of data, it might be usable for AI training/can be sold to AI companies
Pretty sure the only “no” option is “ask me later”
I personally think that as long as our data has value to someone it will stay. Unfortunately(?) I think a vast majority of it will go the way of the void.
Space has cost.
Ironically that means platforms that cannot produce value from old messages will probably delete them. All these bytes are on storage media that probably wont last 10 years let alone 100+. Also never mind that the data itself will have to be on a media that other systems can use…so the html of today may not be used in 50 years or so, so reduces its value further. “Value” is subjective, but for most commercial platforms, its literally the amount of $$ they can get for the data. As soon as the data reaches 0$, it gets deleted. And as things get older and people die, these messages/data/etc… get lost, deleted, corrupted, or incompatible with the technology of the day.
But short term, everyone is pulling our data because it has a VERY high value. So dont say anything on the internet you would not want your parents finding out :)
The universe have 13+ billions of years of existence, most (modern) humans only live about 100 years.
You will be forgotten and nobody will ever know you existed.
Every nude leak.
Every embarassing moment.
Every acomplishment.
Every fuck up.
All will be wipe away, upon your death.
Nobody will ever care.
(But the timeline will remember. The butterfly effects you’ve causes will be remembered. That will not be you, just a remnant of you. The only trace of your existence to be left.)
Terry Pratchett wrote, “Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” but I don’t think he had data brokers in mind when he wrote it in 2004.
But they can’t make money off of you if you’re dead
Remember me? No one after a full generation turns over. My name is on reports and records and patents that will last until the collapse of the US and probably longer, so my name will be found occasionally. But no reason to remember it specifically from among the other 8.2 billion people alive at the same time.
As for how much data will be collected and saved. I wouldn’t count on anything lasting for long that doesn’t have a specific retention policy.
Almost everything that has any value to someone will be collected. The actual data wont live long, but all the profiling done with it, will last slightly longer than I will.
You could argue that no one is ever truly remembered. Even people who are mentioned in history books and have their specific deeds remembered and preserved…
…within a couple of hundred years, there are no other humans left alive anywhere on the planet who personally knew said famous person. No one who knew them on any personal level, any more deeply that the handful of cold facts written down about them on record.
We are meant to be forgotten. Just another thing we have to come to terms with regarding our existence.
I certainly don’t care. Once i’m dead, none of that will matter. And since i’m certain i will die, none of that matters.
I live my life conscious about data gathering, but i wont hide myself or stop doing things i lime because of it.
In the end, in 200 years noone will know who i was. Not even Lemmy.
Unless you go out a hero or a night city legend
OK I get the Nihilistic view and that yes in the end nothing matters. But your data right now is being used to subvert and manipulate millions of people through Cambridge Analytica, your data right now was probably used to train bots who are spreading misinformation, and in future who knows maybe we will have a Terminators trained on Johanny Jacobs’ data.
OK last one might not happen, but even if you’re dead your data can and will be used to train and build stuff that you yourself consider to be morally wrong
Thats why i’m mindfull about my data :) But not to the point that i worry about it constantly, or that i dont do or say stuff “because… data” if you know what i mean :)
I thought this was gonna be a deep philosophical question… but then read past the first sentence.