Childhood lead exposure from leaded gasoline has caused widespread mental health issues, particularly in Generation X, highlighting the dangers of delayed environmental regulation. A recent study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry reveals that childhood exposure to lead,
There’s a lesson to be learned here:
Remove lead? Industry fights it. Lead gets removed. Industry is fine.
Acid rain? Industry fights it. Sulfur dioxide emissions reduced. Industry is fine.
Hole in ozone layer? Industry fights it. PFCs removed. Industry just fine.
Global warming? Industry fights it…
But the industry WASN’T fine. They lost a fraction of a fraction of a percent in profits by going for the cleaner, safer options. How can you be so heartless.
Clearly nobody has thought about the corpo parasite mate…
There is an issue of scale in that series. The first three are relatively small cost fixes. Addressing global climate change requires fundamentally reconfiguring all industry, globally at the very least. That’s orders of magnitude more costly than the first three fixes. And it’s orders of magnitude more difficult to get done politically, and engineering-wise.
But beyond that it may require massive reductions in consumption, trade and transportation. Possibly even short term remediation efforts like sprinkling silver dust in the stratosphere, which is estimated to cost in the hundred trillion dollar range.
I like that your comment shows that progress can be made against entrenched powerful interests though.
Nope all it requires is a tax on greenhouse gas emissions, that’s it.
So no one has to change anything physically? Just tax and poof? Neat trick.
Here’s the Wikipedia article on carbon tax it’s quite positive about it