Childhood lead exposure from leaded gasoline has caused widespread mental health issues, particularly in Generation X, highlighting the dangers of delayed environmental regulation. A recent study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry reveals that childhood exposure to lead,
I have to disagree with this. As a 40-something bi man, I can tell you for a fact the LGBTQ community fully existed 30 years ago, but the majority culture was not accepting of it, so it was underground. ADHD and autism, same thing. Only the most severe cases were diagnosed in the 90s, whereas today evaluations for both are routine, as are treatments
It’s not whether it existed or not, it’s the prevalence of it. Nothing wrong with it of course.
Neither the greeks nor the romans were particularly shy about it and… Let’s call it non-christian ideas about sex have cropped up at various places and various times in history. That’s before the invention of plastics, so it got to be some good proof to be able to point a clear finger away from culture and towards plastics.
Routine treatment for autism, that would be something.
I agree with you though.
Routine treatment for autism is applied behavior analysis. While ABA has its origins a hundred years ago, the field as it currently exists is very new, having really only developed in the last 25 years
Good to know. I’ve never heard of it and it’s not a thing in my country.
The cases are on average more extreme now though.
My dad’s full side is ADHD/ASD. But the millennials/genZs have more severe cases than their uncles and great uncles did.
You can look at all the related disorders that are often comorbid like autoimmune, thyroid, MCAS, etc.
Look at conditions like Type1 diabetes which is growing ~3% per year! This isn’t just better diagnostics but explained by the stress diathesis model of disease interacting with our modern synthetic world.
This is based on your personal experience and not the evidence, which does not bear that out
Please present this evidence that rules what I said out.
Took 2s to find this
That article doesn’t say what you seem to think it says. It only talks about an increase in diagnosed cases, which can be explained away by more frequent assessments, better awareness of symptoms, the loosening of diagnostic criteria in the DSM IV, and over-diagnosis to get children with other severe developmental disorders qualified for services. There are lots of reasons we know about that autism is being diagnosed more frequently, but the best you’re going to get on your hypothesis is “we don’t know.”
People also get a lot better at masking as they get older so younger people’s autism appears more severe than older people’s. Same is probably true for ADHD