With the result being effectively that almost all provisions you looted yesterday are rotten the next day. The exception being salami, which last a few more days, but eating too much of it makes you take damage after going to the bathroom. You also get a stacking debuff.
The only way to not have to eat the salami will be to log in within 8 hours of picking up some veggies.
The only canned food in the game will be decorative unlootable assets. You will notice this and it will annoy you. Especially because there will be a campfire asset used repeatedly in both the world and in rest stops, and that campfire asset will always have the same opened half eaten can of beans in the same place with ridiculously detailed modeling of the sheared metal rim, and an equally detailed model of a can opener lying in the dirt next to it. It will seen like an intentional prank. It will be an internal community joke. It will later become clear it was a be bought asset and the developers will seem to not understand why it’s funny, and will try to explain the merits of their food system. It will be a confusing, frustrating, and stressful time for the community.
the rot timer is calculated based on when the item is picked up using real world time. if you reload a previous save then most likely all of your things are now rotten
Some items also rot, the rot timer doesn’t stop in the unskippable cutscenes and maybe even continues ticking down while you are not playing.
With the result being effectively that almost all provisions you looted yesterday are rotten the next day. The exception being salami, which last a few more days, but eating too much of it makes you take damage after going to the bathroom. You also get a stacking debuff.
The only way to not have to eat the salami will be to log in within 8 hours of picking up some veggies.
The only canned food in the game will be decorative unlootable assets. You will notice this and it will annoy you. Especially because there will be a campfire asset used repeatedly in both the world and in rest stops, and that campfire asset will always have the same opened half eaten can of beans in the same place with ridiculously detailed modeling of the sheared metal rim, and an equally detailed model of a can opener lying in the dirt next to it. It will seen like an intentional prank. It will be an internal community joke. It will later become clear it was a be bought asset and the developers will seem to not understand why it’s funny, and will try to explain the merits of their food system. It will be a confusing, frustrating, and stressful time for the community.
The stacking debuff of course does have a timer that doesn’t continue running while you are not playing.
Of course.
Hmm, I kind of like this idea and could see it working alright if used correctly. Reminds me of Animal Crossing, but so much more annoying.
I got the idea from Ark.
Fun glitch: rot value is unsigned, and once it reaches -1 the item is reborn phoenix-style from the ashes of itself.
This makes for some interesting mechanics where its worth saving old rusty near-dead items until the end of the game just before a vital boss battle.
The variable overflows at 512 and the rot value is counted in ds
It can never overflow though since it’s constantly decaying
the rot timer is calculated based on when the item is picked up using real world time. if you reload a previous save then most likely all of your things are now rotten