I’ve been a Linux user for so long. Clipboard history was a thing almost two decades before Windows got it. I don’t think it is coded to Win+V though – CTRL-ALT-V is what my muscle memory is telling me…
Middle mouse button paste is the bees knees though ;)
I’ve been a Linux user for so long. Clipboard history was a thing almost two decades before Windows got it. I don’t think it is coded to Win+V though – CTRL-ALT-V is what my muscle memory is telling me…
Middle mouse button paste is the bees knees though ;)
Well, depends on the clipboard manager or desktop environment, what the default shortcut is. On KDE, it Win+V.
I have to use Windows computers from time to time. It’s so frustrating to middle click and nothing happens
Ctrl+alt+V for Linux? Which distro?
I just switched to Mint and have been trying to find a way to do clipboard history on mine lol