That we must comply with everybody’s whims and thus let men beat women in female categories of sports, allow doctors to maim kids just because they think they’re trans, and a lot of similar crap.
So you think trans people are icky and don’t understand what’s going on.
Have you ever talked to a trans person? You should try educating yourself on the subject instead of rejecting a whole group of people based on vague feelings. There are no men in women’s sports and children are not usually subject to gender affirming surgery.
I’m not telling you what to do, I’m suggesting what you should do. Because you condemn people for things you don’t seem to comprehend.
There are no men in women’s sports. Trans women are not men. You don’t get to compete in pro sports as a trans person without HRT, after which trans women don’t have a statistical advantage over cis women athletes. You make it sound like I, a cis man, could just declare myself a woman and go for it. That is not how any of it works.
That we must comply with everybody’s whims and thus let men beat women in female categories of sports, allow doctors to maim kids just because they think they’re trans, and a lot of similar crap.
This woke agenda?
No, I meant the Algerian boxer, specifically. But there should be limits to prevent freaks from wreaking havoc.
Those “limits” are litterally being used to disenfranchise biological women, including the algerian boxer you mention…
The Algerian boxer is a man, actually…
Just so were on the same page, were talking abkut Imane Khelif, right?
If you actually look at the report, it says “underdeveloped gonads” not testes specifically. Tho, I have no doubt she is most likely intersex.
So what do you suggest to handle intersex people who have be socially raised as a gender and continue to identify as that gender in adulthood?
He’s a man, plain and simple. Men shouldn’t beat women in sports or otherwise.
So you think trans people are icky and don’t understand what’s going on.
Have you ever talked to a trans person? You should try educating yourself on the subject instead of rejecting a whole group of people based on vague feelings. There are no men in women’s sports and children are not usually subject to gender affirming surgery.
Man, telling people what to do should be illegal. You should study more because I said so.
Bro, you should read your own comments before blatantly lying.
I’m not telling you what to do, I’m suggesting what you should do. Because you condemn people for things you don’t seem to comprehend.
There are no men in women’s sports. Trans women are not men. You don’t get to compete in pro sports as a trans person without HRT, after which trans women don’t have a statistical advantage over cis women athletes. You make it sound like I, a cis man, could just declare myself a woman and go for it. That is not how any of it works.
There is little to none gender affirming surgery performed on children no matter what rage bait “news” outlets might claim:
There is no woke agenda other than letting people live their lives in peace.