Sometimes more than one 🤮
And shoehorned-in straight romance to boot, bonus points for random sex scene.
This was even in the latest Liam Neeson vehicle. They just haaad to work in that he had a wife, like his character couldn’t stand on its own
Look I’m fine with people being straight and all, I just don’t want them shoving it in my face
I heard a guy say “shoving it down my throat” while talking about queer representation in movies and TV this week. I’ve heard several people phrase it exactly like that and I always have the urge to respond with “Sounds pretty gay.”
(angry) “Stop shoving it down my throat!”
(silent) “Shove it up my ass instead”ideally both pls
So sick of the blatant pandering
Diamanda Hagan: “‘Oh, we interacted twice, so now we’re together in act three.’ Straight people!”
Unironically though. Apparently it’s not a real movie unless there is a romantic subplot somewhere shoved into it.
I think they should remake I am number 4 but make the character gay. I honestly thought that’s where it was going when he was at the fair and saw the nerdy boy and the popular girl and had a choice to make.