Yea actually that was new to me but since I bought it and associated it, I’m sure someone else will too. Especially because scared people aren’t rational people.
another dude murdered their boss the other day who’s a military contractor.
I’d have to read the details so I’m gonna say these with the condition that I can take it back: “Nice”
Yeah I’m not sure if it was politically inspired or a personal vendetta. Dude killed stabbed the CEO of the company he worked for though. Guess he wasn’t a fan of his Christmas bonus?
Yea actually that was new to me but since I bought it and associated it, I’m sure someone else will too. Especially because scared people aren’t rational people.
I’d have to read the details so I’m gonna say these with the condition that I can take it back: “Nice”
Yeah I’m not sure if it was politically inspired or a personal vendetta. Dude
killedstabbed the CEO of the company he worked for though. Guess he wasn’t a fan of his Christmas bonus?
Also I got it wrong, he didn’t kill him, he tried to but the CEO lived.