Even through it has some flaws, e.g. it’s not fully memory safe (there are some programming languages that are even safer, like Ada)?

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    3 months ago

    Corporate wants people to port their COBOL code into Java 8.

    Most of them have decided on a tech tech a decade ago and they’re not going to change anything about it unless they absolutely have to, whether that’s Java or C# or Python or Ruby…

    Rust is gaining traction, but mostly for new projects or big revamps, and there’s a lot more shitty old code to maintain than there are opportunities to develop anything new. Besides, most companies don’t need Rust (or C or C++ for that matter), JVM/.NET/NodeJS/Go is fast enough for even intense corporate workloads and doesn’t require people to put in the effort to make everything perfectly sound.