Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 34°C. 95% chance of no rain
I have been listening to Chelsea Wolfe all day. Such a gloomy princess.
I’ve been listening to Brian FM. Fun Loving Criminals, NIN, Beatles, Linkin Park. Lots good stuff.
Do you have a playlist put together for Friday night yowling?
Nah. I’m telling ya I’m listening to Brian FM. It’s exactly what we play every Friday night. Some cunts done the hard work already. Got it going through the boom pods something something via the phone.
Right now it’s Stereophonics playing.
What’s Brian fm because that line up is my cup of tea
It’s fucking awesome. Go here. Scroll down to Christchurch and press play.
I’ve heard that name a lot. Time to check her out.
It’s moody as fuck haha. I hear many influences. Goth, folk, metal, You kind of need to be in a mindset I guess.
It’s almost midnight and I am hungry. To eat or not to eat, that is the question.
AusPost said the NBN box will arrive for sure today. It’s currently in Dandenong South though, so I’m not super sure about that. It took them 3 days to send it from sunshine West to Melbourne airport last week. But maybe they’re on the grind with Chrissy looming
Ok Hugh & Eddie, it’s time for you to take it away again: One Day More!
Why am I wide awake now? I feel asleep at like 10pm.
Last day for me, going to finish up cleaning the factory and some of the equipment. The dough rollers and mixers need detailing, boring but necessary.
5 more sleeps 'till Santa. Yay.
Were you good this year?
Ummm yissss
I’m up. kitchen cleaning is well under way, then more clothes drying and folding, then look after the garden, vacuuming, take rubbish downstairs, clean up cat room, etc etc. then shopping
it never ends
The dishes are my worst enemy. It’s a never ending cycle. No idea why laundry doesn’t bother me the same way, it’s as gross and unrelenting.
Because you can pop it in the machine and it washes for you. You don’t have to stand there actively doing it the whole time. Then you can come back after a break and deal with hanging/drying
not all washing can be done in the machine, but most, which is so good really
True true
7 hours 58 minutes to go…
Go get em tiger!
Can’t… unsee… :|
The way my project manager was talking yesterday, I may be in a minority, planning on getting stuff done today. She has mostly written today off in her timeline calculations.
I’ve also actually managed to get a HEAP done today already. We both need pay rises :D
I’m doing Monday at home, but it’s acknowledged that very little will be done in reality
they’re making you work the whole day?! For shame!
Yup and it’s not going to be an easy or fun one either. I just need to endure it. Pray for mojo.
Good morning everyone!!!
Birds are chirping, sun is out, my work laptop is stashed in a cupboard.
Ahhhhh. The serenity.
Made and ate a giant sandwich for breakfast.
It fell apart and I required a fork.
Then did you really eat a sandwich? Or was it a salad 🤔
It was a sandwich for at least a quarter of the experience
Hahaha, this is usually me.
Well, its certainly a morning. Stay hydrated everyone
One of the mornings I’ve ever seen.
TheVoid is having an argument with the new mop. It is cute and ridiculous.
I’ve just put the oven on to preheat for the pfeffenusse - day 2 of biscuit baking begins!