Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

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    3 months ago

    Thanks! your Haskell solution is extremely fast and I don’t understand your solution, too. 🙈 lol

    My latest revision just keeps a dict with lists of known empty slots with the length being the dict key, including partially filled slots. I iteratively find the slot that has the lowest index number and make sure the lists are properly ordered from lowest to highest index number.

    looking at the challenge example/description, it shows a first pass only type of “fragmenting”. we can be confident that if something did not fit, it can just stay in the same spot even if another slot frees up enough space for it to fit. so just checking if current index is lower than the lowest index number of any of the slot lengths would just be enough to stop early. That is why I got rid of last_consecutive_full_partition because it was slowing it down by up to 2 seconds.

    in example, even if 5555, 6666, or 8888 can fit in the new spot created by moving 44, they are staying put. Thus a first pass only sort from back to front.


    I am thinking that I might be able to make it faster if I build an index of all the c lists that do not have '.' that way I dont need to iterate through the entire list backwards and waste time checking if it has '.' in it.

      3 months ago

      I only now found your edit after I had finished my previous comment. I think splitting into two lists may be good: one List of Files and one of Empty Blocks, I think this may not work with your checksumming so maybe not.

      3 months ago

      Thank you for the detailed explanation!, it made me realize that our solutions are very similar. Instead of keeping a Dict[Int, List[Int]] where the value list is ordered I have a Dict[Int, Tree[Int]] which allows for easy (and fast!) lookup due to the nature of trees. (Also lists in haskell are horrible to mutate)

      I also apply the your technique of only processing each file once, instead of calculating the checksum afterwards on the entire list of file blocks I calculate it all the time whenever I process a file. Using some maths I managed to reduce the sum to a constant expression.

        3 months ago

        yeah, I was a bit exhausted thinking in a high level abstract way. I do think that if I do the checksum at the same time I could shave off a few more milliseconds. though it is at like the limits of speed, especially for python with limited data types(no trees lol). Decently fast enough for me :)

        edit: I also just tested it and splitting into two lists gave no decent speed up and made it slower. really iterating backwards is fast with that list slice. I can’t think of another way to speed it up past it can do rn

            3 months ago

            so if I look at each part of my code. the first 4 lines will take 20 ms

            input_data = input_data.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
            part2_data = [[i//2 for _ in range(int(x))] if i%2==0 else ['.' for _ in range(int(x))] for i,x in enumerate(input_data)]
            part2_data = [ x for x in part2_data if x!= [] ]
            part1_data = [y for x in part2_data for y in x]

            The part1 for loop will take 10 ms.

            The for loop to set up next_empty_slot_by_length will take another 10 ms.

            The part2 for loop will take 10 ms, too!

            and adding up the part2 checksums will add another 10 ms.

            So, in total, it will do it in ~60 ms, but python startup overhead seems to add 20-40 ms depending if you are on Linux(20 ms) or Windows(40 ms). both are Host, not virtual. Linux usually has faster startup time.

            I am not sure where I would see a speed up. It seems that the startup overhead makes this just slower than the other top performing solutions which are also hitting a limit of 40-60 ms.

            3 months ago

            ah well, I tried switching to python’s set() but it was slow because of the fact it is unordered. I would need to use a min() to find the minimum index number, which was slow af. indexing might be fast but pop(0) on a list is also just as fast.(switching to deque had no speed up either) The list operations I am using are mostly O(1) time

            If I comment out this which does the adding:

            # adds checksums
                part2_data = [y for x in part2_data for y in x]
                part2 = 0
                for i,x in enumerate(part2_data):
                    if x != '.':
                        part2 += i*x

            so that it isolates the checksum part. it is still only 80-100ms. so the checksum part had no noticeable slowdown, even if I were to do the check sum at the same time I do the sorting it would not lower execution time.