Password manager activate, not lastpass though that goes in the bin
Yup - eerbody switched to:
Not sure if the recent open source concerns are still… of concern
As far as i have understood it was a bug that caused confusion on what direction Bitwarden was going, but for now everything seems to be going well! But as always keep a eye open!
How to you unlock your computer to unlock your password manager
Should be a little keyhole by the floppy drive
A second computer with a password manager, duh. Of course to unlock that you need a third computer…
Guess i’m not a hacker then 😞
Using “reset password”-function everytime instead of remembering password: ULTIMATE_HACKERMAN
ULTIMATE_HACKERMAN seems like it’d be easy to remember though.
It’s the “is it a space or is it an underscore” that gets ya.
Today, a colleague couldn’t do
docker login
for an internal registry. Constantly got an error which just said “unauthorized”.
The password couldn’t be the problem, because you actually generate a token on the registry webpage, so we tried all the different ways to spell his username (uppercase, lowercase, e-mail address) and tried different URLs for specifying the registry, tried toggling the VPN, a reboot etc., even though we knew what should work, because the login worked for me.Eventually, we gave up and figured there must be some permission problem in the registry. Ten minutes later, he tells me that it works, without doing anything different. Now I’m wondering, if the IT saw our desperate login attempts and quickly fixed the problem. 🫠