I think these are better then alcohol, yet I don’t feel the need to create a police state to enforce my opinion on how to live upon others.
There will be no drug tests to make sure you are taking drugs. You do you, I do me.
Frig off drug warriors. You fucking lame ass squares.
Tips for the shrooms, blend and mix into melted chocolate, I used a ice-cube tray. (also chocolate: melted but leave it cool down before pouring you want it below 40-50°C since Psilocybin degrades above 70) works amazingly, zero bad taste.
Never tried the tea method, but my friend did and said it tasted terrible.
You brew a separate batch of your favorite tea and mix them together. A friend of mine says the caffeine in black tea helps it hit harder but I cannot attest to that and they are far from a pharmacist so ymmv
I’ll be honest, if anyone tells me mixing two drugs makes it “hit harder” I’m going to be very carefully examining their advice.
Pro tip! Add shredded coconut. It’s got the same texture so you can’t even tell they’re in there. Also label them, because of the exact same reason.