Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports
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import strutils, times, sequtils, sugar # check if level transition in record is safe proc isSafe*(sign:bool, d:int): bool = sign == (d>0) and d.abs in 1..3; #check if record is valid proc validate*(record:seq[int]): bool = let sign = record[0] > record[1]; return (0..record.len-2).allIt(isSafe(sign, record[it] - record[it+1])) # check if record is valid as-is # or if removing any item makes the record valid proc validate2*(record:seq[int]): bool = return record.validate or (0..<record.len).anyIt(record.dup(delete(it)).validate) proc solve*(input:string): array[2,int] = let lines = input.readFile.strip.splitLines; let records = lines.mapIt(; result[0] = records.countIt(it.validate); result[1] = records.countIt(it.validate2);
I got stuck on part 2 trying to check everything inside a single loop, which kept getting more ugly. So then I switched to just deleting one item at a time and re-checking the record.
Reworked it after first finding the solution to compress the code a bit, though the range iterators don’t really help with readability.
I did learn about the
import, which I used to make the sequence duplication more compact:record.dup(delete(it)
.Cool to see another solution in Nim here =)
That’s smart. I haven’t thought of using iterators to loop over indexes (except in a
for loop
).I got stuck on part 2 trying to check everything inside a single loop, which kept getting more ugly.
Yeah I’ve thought of simple ways to do this and found none. And looking at the input - it’s too easy to bruteforce, especially in compiled lang like Nim.
This was quite fun! I got a bit distracted trying to rewrite
in point-free style, but I think this version is the most readable. There’s probably a more monadic way of writinglessOne
as well, but I can’t immediately see xs = any gradual [diffs, negate <$> diffs] where diffs = zipWith (-) (drop 1 xs) xs gradual = all (`elem` [1 .. 3]) lessOne [] = [] lessOne (x : xs) = xs : map (x :) (lessOne xs) main = do input :: [[Int]] <- map (map read . words) . lines <$> readFile "input02" print . length $ filter safe input print . length $ filter (any safe . lessOne) input
Love to see your haskell solutions!
I am so far very amazed with the compactness of your solutions, your
is very much mind-Bending. I have never used or seen<$>
before, is it a monadic?
Also I can’t seem to find your logic for this safety condition:
The levels are either all increasing or all decreasing
, did you figure that it wasn’t necessary?For the last point, it isn’t needed since the differences between elements should be all positive or all negative for the report to be safe. This is tested with the combination of
.I am also enjoying these Haskell solutions. I’m still learning the language, so it’s been cool to compare my solution with these and grow my understanding of Haskell.
is justfmap
as an infix operator.>>> fmap (+1) [1,2,3] [2,3,4] >>> (+1) <\$> [1,2,3] [2,3,4]
Uiua is still developing very quickly, and this code uses the experimental
function, hence the initial directive.# Experimental! $ 7 6 4 2 1 $ 1 2 7 8 9 $ 9 7 6 2 1 $ 1 3 2 4 5 $ 8 6 4 4 1 $ 1 3 6 7 9 ⊜(⊜⋕⊸≠@\s)⊸≠@\n # Partition at \n, then at space, parse ints. IsSorted ← +⊃(≍⇌⍆.|≍⍆.) # Compare with sorted array. IsSmall ← /××⊃(>0|<4)⌵↘¯1-↻1. # Copy offset by 1, check diffs. IsSafe ← ×⊃IsSmall IsSorted # Safe if Small steps and Ordered. IsSafer ← ±/+≡IsSafe ⧅<-1⧻. # Choose 4 from 5, check again. &p/+≡IsSafe . # Part1 : Is each row safe? &p/+≡(±+⊃IsSafe IsSafer) # Part2 : Is it safe or safer?
This looks so alien! Does it work with the full set? The comment says 5, choose 4, but I guess it’s written as n, choose n-1?
How do you write this, not conceptually but physically. Do you have a char picker open at all times?
i can only imagine doing it with a drawing tablet
I like to assume people using array programming languages just have a crystal ball that they use to call upon magic runes on the screen
Haha, you can do it that way, in fact the online Uiua Pad editor has all the operators listed along the top.
But all the operators have ascii names, so you can type e.g.
IsSmall = reduce mul mul fork(>0|<4) abs drop neg 1 - rot 1 dup
and the formatter will reduce that toIsSmall ← /××⊃(>0|<4)⌵↘¯1-↻1.
whenever you save or execute code.That works in the Pad, and you can enable similar functionality in other editors.
initially, for part two I was trying to ignore a bad pair not a bad value - read the question!
Only installed Rust on Sunday, day 1 was a mess, today was more controlled. Need to look at some of the rust solutions for std library methods I don’t know about.
very focussed on getting it to actually compile/work over making it short or nice!
pub mod task_2 {
pub fn task_1(input: &str) -> i32{ let mut valid_count = 0; let reports = process_input(input); for report in reports{ let valid = is_report_valid(report); if valid{ valid_count += 1; } } println!("Valid count: {}", valid_count); valid_count } pub fn task_2(input: &str) -> i32{ let mut valid_count = 0; let reports = process_input(input); for report in reports{ let mut valid = is_report_valid(report.clone()); if !valid { for position_to_delete in { let mut updated_report = report.clone(); updated_report.remove(position_to_delete); valid = is_report_valid(updated_report); if valid { break; } } } if valid{ valid_count += 1; } } println!("Valid count: {}", valid_count); valid_count } fn is_report_valid(report:Vec<i32>) -> bool{ let mut increasing = false; let mut decreasing = false; let mut valid = true; for position in{ if report[position-1] > report[position] { decreasing = true; } else if report[position-1] < report[position] { increasing = true; } else { valid = false; break; } if (report[position-1] - report[position]).abs() > 3 { valid = false; break; } if increasing && decreasing { valid = false; break; } } return valid; } pub fn process_input(input: &str) -> Vec<Vec<i32>>{ let mut reports: Vec<Vec<i32>> = Vec::new(); for report_string in input.split("\n"){ let mut report: Vec<i32> = Vec::new(); for value in report_string.split_whitespace() { report.push(value.parse::<i32>().unwrap()); } reports.push(report); } return reports; }
Also wrote a solution in JavaScript to play around with list comprehension. Wrote some utility functions for expressiveness (and lazy evaluation).
const fs = require("fs"); const U = require("./util"); const isSafe = xs => U.pairwise(xs).every(([a,b]) => a!==b && a-b > -4 && a-b < 4) && new Set(U.pairwise(xs).map(([a,b]) => a < b)).size === 1; const rows = fs .readFileSync(process.argv[2] || process.stdin.fd, "utf8") .split("\n") .filter(x => x != "") .map(x => x.split(/ +/).map(Number)); const p1 = U.countBy(rows, isSafe); const p2 = U.countBy(rows, row => isSafe(row) || U.someBy(U.indices(row), i => isSafe([...row.slice(0, i), ...row.slice(i+1)]))); console.log("02:", p1, p2);
Had some fun with arrows.
import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . fmap (fmap read . words) . lines part1 = length . filter isSafe part2 = length . filter (any isSafe . removeOne) isSafe = ap (zipWith (-)) tail >>> (all (between 1 3) &&& all (between (-3) (-1))) >>> uncurry (||) where between a b = (a <=) &&& (<= b) >>> uncurry (&&) removeOne [] = [] removeOne (x : xs) = xs : fmap (x :) (removeOne xs)
This is my very naive rust solution, part 2 is mostly just an extra function, so they’re bother covered in this one.
G’MIC solution
it day2 crop. 0,0,0,{h#-1-2} split. -,{_'\n'} foreach { replace_str. " ",";" ({t}) rm.. } safe_0,safe_1=0 foreach { ({h}) a[-2,-1] y num_of_attempts:=da_size(#-1)+1 store temp repeat $num_of_attempts { $temp if $> eval da_remove(#-1,$>-1) fi eval " safe=1; i[#-1,1]>i[#-1,0]?( for(p=1,p<da_size(#-1),++p, if(!inrange(i[#-1,p]-i[#-1,p-1],1,3,1,1),safe=0;break();); ); ):( for(p=1,p<da_size(#-1),++p, if(!inrange(i[#-1,p-1]-i[#-1,p],1,3,1,1),safe=0;break();); ); ); safe;" rm if $> if ${} safe_1+=1 break fi else if ${} safe_0,safe_1+=1 break fi fi } } echo Day" "2:" "${safe_0}" :: "${safe_1}
Turned out alright, I am looking forward to seeing what 2d coordinate grid code I can cannibalize from last year’s solutions 😄
I think that repo is private
I realized after I posted 😅 thanks for pointing it out! I will go make it public
Part 1
(defun p1-process-line (line) (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:words line))) (defun line-direction-p (line) "make sure the line always goes in the same direction" (loop for x in line for y in (cdr line) count (> x y) into dec count (< x y) into inc when (and (> dec 0 ) (> inc 0)) return nil when (= x y) return nil finally (return t))) (defun line-in-range-p (line) "makes sure the delta is within 3" (loop for x in line for y in (cdr line) for delta = (abs (- x y)) when (or (> delta 3) ) return nil finally (return t))) (defun test-line-p (line) (and (line-in-range-p line) (line-direction-p line))) (defun run-p1 (file) (let ((data (read-file file #'p1-process-line))) (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (line) (if (test-line-p line) 1 0)) data))))
Part 2
(defun test-line-p2 (line) (or (test-line-p (cdr line)) (test-line-p (cdr (reverse line))) (loop for back on line collect (car back) into front when (test-line-p (concatenate 'list front (cddr back))) return t finally (return nil) ))) (defun run-p2 (file) (let ((data (read-file file #'p1-process-line))) (loop for line in data count (test-line-p2 line))))
def is_safe(report: list[int]) -> bool: global removed acceptable_range = [_ for _ in range(-3,4) if _ != 0] diffs = [] if any([report.count(x) > 2 for x in report]): return False for i, num in enumerate(report[:-1]): cur = num next = report[i+1] difference = cur - next diffs.append(difference) if difference not in acceptable_range: return False if len(diffs) > 1: if diffs[-1] * diffs[-2] <= 0: return False return True with open('input') as reports: list_of_reports = reports.readlines()[:-1] count = 0 failed_first_pass = [] failed_twice = [] for reportsub in list_of_reports: levels = [int(l) for l in reportsub.split()] original = levels.copy() if is_safe(levels): safe = True count += 1 else: failed_first_pass.append(levels) for report in failed_first_pass: print(report) working_copy = report.copy() for i in range(len(report)): safe = False working_copy.pop(i) print("checking", working_copy) if is_safe(working_copy): count += 1 safe = True break else: working_copy = report.copy() print(count)
The function is_sorted_by on Iterators turned out helpful for compactly finding if a report is safe. In part 2 I simply tried the same with each element removed, since all reports are very short.
fn parse(input: String) -> Vec<Vec<i32>> { input.lines() .map(|l| l.split_whitespace().map(|w| w.parse().unwrap()).collect()) .collect() } fn is_safe(report: impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item=i32> + Clone) -> bool { let safety = |a: &i32, b: &i32| (1..=3).contains(&(b - a)); report.clone().is_sorted_by(safety) || report.rev().is_sorted_by(safety) } fn part1(input: String) { let reports = parse(input); let safe = reports.iter().filter(|r| is_safe(r.iter().copied())).count(); println!("{safe}"); } fn is_safe2(report: &[i32]) -> bool { (|i| { // Try with each element removed is_safe(report.iter().enumerate().filter(|(j, _)| *j != i).map(|(_, n)| *n)) }) } fn part2(input: String) { let reports = parse(input); let safe = reports.iter().filter(|r| is_safe2(r)).count(); println!("{safe}"); } util::aoc_main!();
is new to me, could be very useful.The
is a really nice approach. I originally tried using that function thinking that|a, b| a > b
or|a, b| a < b
would cut it but it didn’t end up working. I never thought to handle the check for the step being between 1 and 3 in the callback closure for that though.
First went through the input in one pass, number by number, but unfortunately that wouldn’t fly for part 2.
#include "common.h" static int issafe(int *lvs, int n, int skip) { int safe=1, asc=0,prev=0, ns=0,i; for (i=0; safe && i<n; i++) { if (i == skip) { ns = 1; continue; } if (i-ns > 0) safe = safe && lvs[i] != prev && lvs[i] > prev-4 && lvs[i] < prev+4; if (i-ns == 1) asc = lvs[i] > prev; if (i-ns > 1) safe = safe && (lvs[i] > prev) == asc; prev = lvs[i]; } return safe; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { char buf[64], *rest, *tok; int p1=0,p2=0, lvs[16],n=0, i; if (argc > 1) DISCARD(freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin)); while ((rest = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))) { for (n=0; (tok = strsep(&rest, " ")); n++) { assert(n < (int)LEN(lvs)); lvs[n] = (int)strtol(tok, NULL, 10); } for (i=-1; i<n; i++) if (issafe(lvs, n, i)) { p1 += i == -1; p2++; break; } } printf("02: %d %d\n", p1, p2); }
What is this coding style? The function type, name and open brace placement made me think GNU at first, but the code in the body doesn’t look like GCS at all.
BSD more or less. Mostly K&R except for function declarations.
runningDifference :: [Int] -> [Int] runningDifference (a:[]) = [] runningDifference (a:b:cs) = a - b : (runningDifference (b:cs)) isSafe :: [Int] -> Bool isSafe ds = (all (> 0) ds || all (< 0) ds) && (all (flip elem [1, 2, 3] . abs) ds) isSafe2 :: [Int] -> Bool isSafe2 ds = any (isSafe2') (zip [0..length ds] (cycle [ds])) isSafe2' (i, ls) = isSafe . runningDifference $ list where list = dropIndex i ls dropIndex _ [] = [] dropIndex 0 (a:as) = dropIndex (-1) as dropIndex i (a:as) = a : dropIndex (i - 1) as main = do c <- getContents let reports = init . lines $ c let levels = map (map read . words) reports :: [[Int]] let differences = map runningDifference levels let safety = map isSafe differences let safety2 = map isSafe2 levels putStrLn . show . length . filter (id) $ safety putStrLn . show . length . filter (id) $ safety2 return ()
Took me way too long to figure out that I didn’t have to drop one of them differences but the initial Number
Of course I ended up with a off-by-one error for the second part, so things took a bit longer than they really should’ve.
But either way, behold, messy C#:
int[][] reports = new int[0][]; public void Input(IEnumerable<string> lines) { reports = lines.Select(l => l.Split(' ').Select(p => int.Parse(p)).ToArray()).ToArray(); } public void Part1() { int safeCount = reports.Where(report => CheckReport(report)).Count(); Console.WriteLine($"Safe: {safeCount}"); } public void Part2() { int safeCount = reports.Where(report => { if (CheckReport(report)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < report.Length; ++i) if (CheckReport(report.Where((_, j) => j != i))) return true; return false; }).Count(); Console.WriteLine($"Safe: {safeCount}"); } bool CheckReport(IEnumerable<int> report) { var diffs = report.SkipLast(1).Zip(report.Skip(1)).Select(v => v.Second - v.First); return diffs.All(v => Math.Abs(v) <= 3) && (diffs.All(v => v > 0) || diffs.All(v => v < 0)); }