I love the idea of it, and I love how tiny it is. Will probably get one when money isn’t so tight.
But I was curious if the power button was accessible without lifting it. And it genuinely isn’t. Why does Apple like shoving important IO and buttons underneath the device. Good thing it’s light?
Oh and a funny thing was the staff had to loosen its mount on the table so you could turn it on.
Right. What button is your finger on to turn it off? Then you turn it on, walk away, and it’s in sleep.
I use the shut down in the menu. I do not press a button to turn it off. Are you really this dense?
So you’re still at one button interaction with a feature you aren’t intended to use regularly. Is this really worth being uncivil about?
I’m not being uncivil. You are ignoring an obvious design issue and defending it while acting like I must conform to your stupid way of existing. I won’t. And I’m not being uncivil. I’m rejecting your retardation bleeding into my life.
Called me an idiot and used “r” as an insult is pretty fucking uncivil, especially discussing a button on a computer, where I’ve met your every scenario.
Stop talking to me
I didn’t use r as an insult. I used the word properly. Your aversion to it is your own issue friend. And yes. I think you are an idiot. You read my words and completely ignored them and doubled down on your opinion. That. Is. Idiotic.
Rule 2, no personal attacks. Reported.
shrugs whatever makes you feel better about your opinions friend.
Good luck learning to use your Mac lol