Contrary to my distaste for them, but I wouldn’t mind advertisements now and then. By now and then, I mean, like once every other hour or if they’re displayed in a way that isn’t obstructing. Obviously that is not how they are these days.

I know companies need to still get out there and be known but I do not need to know that much and I don’t really care of your business if I have to hear, see and have spoken to me of it at every single turn. I would especially love it, if everything wasn’t a paywall to not see any.

Advertisements are just simply a disease.

    2 months ago

    Subscriptions. Some of them aren’t all that bad. Nvidia GeForce Now for example, 100 bucks for 6 months, 16.67 per month, but if you were to play 100 hours per month and would otherwise burn .5kwh per hour running that locally, you’re ‘saving’ the cost of 50kwh of electricity per month going this route, so 16.67 per month compared to 5-10 bucks per month in electricity (plus the cost of a gaming rig).

    Sometimes it’s easy to rationalize a certain subscription but they’re basically everywhere and shoved at the consumer