Looks like he got the go-ahead for that little bump from his daddy.
Reminds me of Jonah Hill’s character in Don’t Look Up. “I timed that shit perfectly.”
Just casually doing a little bit of cocaine at a SpaceX launch.
That’s 99% a zyn
Can they put cocaine in zyns?
His thumb is un-tucked well before his hand (with only one finger extended) reaches his mouth. He’s not pinching it between any other fingers, as only his index finger is raised… so how exactly did he insert the zyn with one finger?
Last year, he was quoted as saying "Luckily, I don’t snort, er, cocaine! It’s just not my thing.”
Kind of a weird thing to say. Most people would say “I don’t use cocaine” or “I don’t do cocaine”. But using the word “snort” to remain truthful, and then being caught on camera rubbing coke on his gums seems pretty clear.
I’d go as far to say that’s 99% cocaine and maybe 1% that it’s a zyn or something else.
I do NOT freebase cocaine.
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The placement, the tuck, it’s a zyn. There’s a non-zero chance it is something wild, but it aligns too perfectly to not be a zyn.
Except you can’t put a zyn in with 1 finger straight from your pocket.
Yeah, but Hunter Biden USED to do drugs. That is way worse! This clip just proves the Trumps ain’t no quitters! #CheckmateLibs
I think most of our politicians are on crack.
Coke is not crack, seems like semantics, but the Rich do not see them the same. It wasn’t a war on drugs to stop cocaine pouring into the US being used by white communities, it was to stop crack being used by poorer people of color. If drugs had stayed expensive and exclusive to white folks Regain wouldn’t have felt as strongly for sure.
The same thing with unemployment/social security being a great thing when white people had it to protect their “hard work”, but when people of color got to use the same system it turned into “welfare queens” based on a the story of a single black woman that abused the system.
You should watch the documentary “Crack” - it was very eye opening, and contrary to your argument. Their perspective is that Crack was very deliberately facilitated in poorer communities. Less of a "hey those are our drugs, and you guys can’t have them and more of a "if we feed you drugs, you’ll be too busy fighting amongst yourselves perspective. I’m guessing the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Cocaine and crack are the same drug in different form factors. Those forms factors are tyoically used by different demographics and certainly nudged in that demogtaphic distinction by the CIA and given the excuse to the DEA to selectively enforce policy against racial minorities.
Yes same base, but seen and used by different populations was my point. Rich bros aren’t sitting around hitting a crack pipe, they are doing a line off some exploited woman in their orbit (or apparently like Jr just out of the old pocket). And yes the CIA have used drugs as a currency once they realized they could make both illegal for poors and at the same time flood neighborhoods with it. Believe Bush Sr. was into this amongst other “covert” operations.
The entire war on drugs was to limit liberal political power from day 1. The racism was only part of it.
And now it’s . . . . whatever the fuck this is.
No. It’s only called crack when poor plebs use it, not the rich. That’s why there’s different laws.
Sounds about right.
About white?
Lol 😂
first of all, lets get one thing straight - crack is cheap. they make too much money to ever smoke crack. lets get that straight, okay?
Does he keep loose coke in his pocket, or is there a fancy solution? Seemed too fast to open a baggy.
Copying from a comment I made on another thread:
I assume it’s in a baggie. But he’s got enough money maybe he’s just stuffing handfuls in his pockets every morning.
Probably just a zyn
There’s no way he put a zyn in like that
Goldenseal or goldenroot for mouth ulcers?
Does cocaine cause mouth ulcers? If so, that is a useful to for him.
It might, but cocaine is a vasoconstrictor and numbing agent.
He could be using cocaine to deal with the cocaine related symptoms.
Which, in general, sounds like the biggest problem with cocaine: not having more cocaine.
“Where’d all the cocaine go?” - Dude who just did all the cocaine
He wouldn’t do drugs, he’s clearly just tasting the pocket sand. /s
He has a hole in his pocket, its his own flavor!
Mmmm tastes like nose candy.
It’s amazing you can just do cocaine in public now and no one gives a shit.
He likely popped a zyn
When you’re rich, they let you do it.
I thought it was tobacco
Would be nice if we could do that too. (As long as no kids are around)
It’s amazing
yourich people can just do cocaine in public now and no one gives a shit.FTFY
Princes can do whatever they want.
Snort em by the pocketfull.
He’s an expert he’s know exactly what the bad drugs taste like