A word from an experienced bike commuter. Get your city end parking sorted first if taking the bike all the way. Most stations have bike cages now - these are easy and cheap and most have cctv and are somewhat protected from the weather, but not from fellow bike cage users. Battery theft (for ebikes) is becoming a real problem from bike cages so plan on removing the battery and taking it with you should you use this facility. Some bike cages have basic bike repair tools available nearby (inner city).
I put my good bike in the bike cage near home. I’m thinking of a cheap bike that can be locked up near jolimont most of the week I could ride to and from the office and the station. There’s good parking at the office, I just need station parking
Dunno where you’d park it. Given the proximity to the MCG, just chaining it to a fence isn’t going to cut it with the council not to mention all the passers by. You might have better luck around West Richmond station. Even though the station is a pain to use with a bike due to the severe curve.
There could be bike loops near the station for the grounds. It’s an easy ride in from North Richmond station as well, the ride along Albert Street is probably one of the safest you can do. But that area is a bit dodgy, even for an old bike
There are loops, but I for one would not use them for overnight storage. Agree that all that area is dodgy. The Epworth Hospital might be a better bet in that area - good cctv at least but there a lot of crazy drivers in a hurry and hunting a parking spot. And you see some really creative parking too. I’m talking about the Erin St entrance, not the Bridge Road one. Getting off Wellington Parade is a good idea - there are parking spots in East Melbourne side streets and it’s a nicer area. Most of the inhabitants are not bike people so some tact in where you park your bike would be required.
A word from an experienced bike commuter. Get your city end parking sorted first if taking the bike all the way. Most stations have bike cages now - these are easy and cheap and most have cctv and are somewhat protected from the weather, but not from fellow bike cage users. Battery theft (for ebikes) is becoming a real problem from bike cages so plan on removing the battery and taking it with you should you use this facility. Some bike cages have basic bike repair tools available nearby (inner city).
I put my good bike in the bike cage near home. I’m thinking of a cheap bike that can be locked up near jolimont most of the week I could ride to and from the office and the station. There’s good parking at the office, I just need station parking
Dunno where you’d park it. Given the proximity to the MCG, just chaining it to a fence isn’t going to cut it with the council not to mention all the passers by. You might have better luck around West Richmond station. Even though the station is a pain to use with a bike due to the severe curve.
There could be bike loops near the station for the grounds. It’s an easy ride in from North Richmond station as well, the ride along Albert Street is probably one of the safest you can do. But that area is a bit dodgy, even for an old bike
There are loops, but I for one would not use them for overnight storage. Agree that all that area is dodgy. The Epworth Hospital might be a better bet in that area - good cctv at least but there a lot of crazy drivers in a hurry and hunting a parking spot. And you see some really creative parking too. I’m talking about the Erin St entrance, not the Bridge Road one. Getting off Wellington Parade is a good idea - there are parking spots in East Melbourne side streets and it’s a nicer area. Most of the inhabitants are not bike people so some tact in where you park your bike would be required.