Spoiler alert, this trailer does include storybeats
I’m glad to see Isaiah Bradley in film. He’s an interesting character, even if it looks like they’re going to have him locked up most of the film.
I feel this trailer needed a spoiler alert…
They all do these days. Half the trailers at the movie theater make it so I don’t even need to watch the actual movie after seeing the trailer. It’s dumb.
It didn’t really reveal anything though? Like, Red Hulk sure, but that kind of a given.
Harrison Ford as Red Hulk is gonna be dope
Ford always seems grumpy when he gives interviews, but it’s clear he enjoyed this role. I hope he isn’t killed off, but also how many films can he come back for?
I’m so freaking pumped for this movie.
It’s Disney-Marvel.
They can’t make movies that are worth watching.
FYI During the making of CA:BNW, they had reshoots of reshoots. Macky himself flipped out over shooting without a script.
This movie is gonna suck. Expect it
So… why are you here?
Odd, I think most of their movies are worth watching. There have been only a few stinkers from the Marvel side since Endgame.
It looks pretty cool, although the thing I’m most curious about is whether it has any underlying message or just feigns at it.
I don’t expect something controversial, but is it going to say anything about America in 2025? Or is it just an artful presentation of superhero fights? We’ll see.
Considering the movie probably finished before the election, I wouldn’t expect anything too meta, but it could definitely have some messages about the affects of warfare.
The end of Secret Invasion sort of did that with the whole declaring war on the Skrulls thing.
Between this and Thunderbolts I’m excited for the return to the earth-level superhero stuff
Multiverse and cosmic stuff is cool, but let’s keep tabs on our main timeline please.
This trailer looks surprisingly… artsy and not-blockbustery? We’ll, except for the last CGI fight part
It definitely didn’t feel like the standard Marvel trailer, not sure if it was a comic book style or just a split style. I liked it.