I also use a small CLI program to loosely manage them. Basically, it just creates a new file in a predetermined folder and opens it in my text editor, which I’ve bound to a global shortcut, so it’s just one keypress for me to start jotting something down.
Well, and then it also allows searching through all note files and things like that.
I’ve got various text files in Markdown format.
I also use a small CLI program to loosely manage them. Basically, it just creates a new file in a predetermined folder and opens it in my text editor, which I’ve bound to a global shortcut, so it’s just one keypress for me to start jotting something down.
Well, and then it also allows searching through all note files and things like that.
Why not try Obsidian?
What’s that small CLI program called?
It’s this one: https://codeberg.org/trem/jot/