OP: meh.
Yeah: Your ancestors are all watching, cheering you on, saying:
“We NEVER wanted children. FINALLY one of us broke the cycle!!”
You found my partners family. Literally people who hated children placed a generational curse for thier kids hate their children.
Them: “we were just horny fucks with no condoms”
Me, gay: “watch me solve that problem with this one weird trick!”
It is pretty crazy to think that for literally thousands of years, every single ancestral pairing, going all the way back to the first lil mud skippers that flopped up on land, have decided to produce offspring, which is ultimately the only reason you’re even alive today.
And when it’s your turn to uphold the unbroken tradition dating back millennia, you’re just like ‘naaaaaaah, fuck that yo’???
Honestly that’s fuckin awesome! The point of life is your own personal experience, and you should absolutely do everything you can to push it in the direction of your choosing, tradition be damned. ✌️
The way I see it is that tradition is working pretty damn well on the whole. People are producing kids just fine, taking care of them as they grow and become adults is the hard part. That lineage you point to is the only reason I’m alive today, yes, but there are a lot of other “only reasons” I’m alive today that happened after I was born, and many of them were very much not from my biological parents.
Personally there was a lot of generational trauma in my upbringing and I don’t wanna pass that on. These days I’ve taken that parental drive and repurposed it toward the adults in my community whose parents have decided to abandon them, usually due to being queer. It’s different than having a parental relationship to a kid, but I’m finding a community guardian role is filling the same emotional need. The people I care for won’t carry my name, but I didn’t even carry my own name lol.
I used to struggle with the fact that nothing I do will likely outlive me, but now I feel it’s just as worthwhile to make the present day better for the people who need it. I’d still love to work with kids, maybe teach or something, but being trans makes many parents less willing to allow their kids to be around me. I might foster someday, it’ll be a challenge but I think it’s something I’d get a lot more out of.
You know what, at least 7 branches of hominids existed from the same line (12 if you count one evolving to the next) and only one of them lead to us.
To be fair a lot of people don’t have the choice
Hey. It’s like sometimes you don’t need to score the goal – pass the ball and let someone else score with your help. It’s a society, man, and as a group we’re not in (much) danger of external extinction.
That is literally the funniest ASCII drawing I’ve seen.
I can’t make sense of how I’m supposed to see it ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
It’s a little dude lying down the _ and 」are his arms
LMAO, thanks so much!
Ohhhh I thought it was a baby bird (little wings sticking out) with one weird eye and one winking eye.
I think it’s someone lying on their side? Like a sexy lying down pose with a leg and an arm stretched out.
What is the close parentheses?
Their rounded top and bottom of body?
Look up kaomoji
Asexual, sex-repulsed, intersex. Bloodline stops with me for like all the reasons.
But where a bloodline ends, freezer burrito consumption begins.
Burritos are worth it :p
It’s weird why people call it a line, we’re just a leaf on a big ass tree
I’m glad I’m not in North Korea
What is this, Crusader Kings?
You’d better start believing in historical trends. You’re in one. 👻
What if my tree isnt a tree and it has a cycle?
Then your family might just need therapy
I’m pretty sure all bloodlines have circles.
Well, I suppose if you go backwards your family tree has circles. But nowadays incest isn’t particularly common is it?
Most cultures frown uppn it but cousin marriage is very common is some parts of the world. There is a great wikipedia article on Incest.
But I was really talking about the former. The likelihood that not a single crossing has happened since the beginning of like is very small.
Fair, it’ll be a bit of a whacky tree. But definitely not a line
Trees can have cycles, but trees will always be Trees.
https://seenthis.net/sites/1063683 merge trees
Each line is a tree in a forest.
The only water in the forest is the river.
That one I don’t quite understand
Humans and trees both have lineages, leaves do not because leaves do not reproduce.
*most trees do. Some humans really do prefer to be leaves
If your ancestry was a tree, what people think of when saying this is the tree getting uprooted, when it really is more akin to cutting off a two, perhaps three growing seasons old branch.
Which is to say that not even in this teeny tiny way do you matter.Family trees can be drawn both with ones self as the root that everything branches off of as well as starting back as far as one can go and tracing all of the branches including ones own
The point of progeny is to increase the likelihood of your species survival. Today, the opposite is true. I’d call it luck.
Not species, genes. Species is a socially constructed concept. Selection operates at the level of individual genes which are the fundamental transmissible units.
Bacteria even carry out horizontal gene transfer via the exchange of plasmids between cells!
Baby, thanks to CRISPR, humans can too.
I wonder if decreased reproduction in developed countries is the result of evolutionary forces from long ago. It seems like most animals are the opposite, and have more offspring during times of plenty.
I like how this flips the narrative from: “I need to make my impact on the future by leaving a child!” to “I can also make an impact on the future by deciding not to leave a child here!”
Eh… My brother has two sons. No need for me to add more.
I went on a little thought journey about this, partly because I’ll never have my own biological kids (snip snip). Ironically, I have a family tree that is traced back to the 1500s. My branch will just stop. I’m OK with that - this is my choice. There will be a lot of branches that just stop because of unfortunate deaths. The difference is whether it’s by choice or not, maybe?(?) Is this a bad thing anyway?
also japanese. also didn’t inherit the hardwired instinctual urge to pass on my genes ¯\__(ツ)__/¯
good riddance in my case
Ok, but what’s up with the apathy though?
what do you mean?
You literally said
good riddance
Which implies something negative.
Edit: I misunderstood your comment. Disregard. I am dumb.
all good
Jokes’ on my ancestors, we’ve been getting through a bottleneck for the last 3 generations. All only children… at least on my mum’s side, my dad’s side’s not faring much better with my generation and our kids
I’m the third or fourth generation only child on my mom’s side. I broke that cycle with two kids which I think is pretty cool
good job. I hope you get some grandkids that are healthy and happy in the appropriate future
They lived at a time when there was no planet-level reason not to have kids. You don’t. Swap places and the behaviors swap. This isn’t because of you.
At least not statistically.
I feel attacked
At least your kids won’t