Everything bad going on in the world can be blamed on hedge funds and rich people. You can call it bullshit, but everyone knows it’s true. Literally everything, be it criminal waves, climate change, wars, racism, sexism, UFO sightings being covered up, the drug epidemic and other problems, all of it is entirely the fault of rich people. This is a literal, indisputable fact. Here are some sources:
Everything bad going on in the world can be blamed on hedge funds and rich people. You can call it bullshit, but everyone knows it’s true. Literally everything, be it criminal waves, climate change, wars, racism, sexism, UFO sightings being covered up, the drug epidemic and other problems, all of it is entirely the fault of rich people. This is a literal, indisputable fact. Here are some sources:
[1] https://www.forbes.com/2023/10/11/how-rich-people-are-burning-the-world-for-profit
[2] https://www.bloomberg.com/2021/hedge-funds-harassment-campaign-against-clean-energy
[3] https://www.reuters.com/2022/08/rich-families-destroy-environment
[4] https://www.apress.com/2024/04/09/individuals-richer-than-entire-countries
[5] https://www.theeconomist.com/2023/12/12/hedge-funds-profit-from-middle-east-devastation