So after telegram crackdown and sharing of IP it is time to move to somethint more private. I want to test if we can make it work a piracy group on Simple X so if you want to come and join us feel free to do it.
Nice honeypot glowie.
Glowie? Do people call each other glowsticks nowadays?
Yes and no
Normally used for the CIA but also used for agencies like the ATF, FBI, etc. Their inability to blend in to the native population’s habits, patterns and speech makes them stick out like a sore thumb to the population, hence they “glow in the dark.”
There is no way I will know who you are in simple X.
No matrix?
I saw a signal group too. I guess this is going to be the aftermath: piracy messenger wars. What do people talk about in piracy chatrooms anyway?
Good point , and to be honest I don’t know. We can chat about the news related to Piracy and alternatives I guess? Sharing links also I think.
Talking news and sharing links? There’s lemmy for that!
Actually, this and the Signal group have zero privacy. They are all open, free-to-join groups. The encryption doesn’t matter. All it need is anonymity, which I think SimpleX > Matrix > Signal.
SimpleX is the future !
the link doesn’t work anymore