I often see people in the comments acting like having a fast or loud car immediately makes your dick smaller or that you have ED. And people talk about owning a car as if they’ve never gone above 40 MPH and are terrified to do so.

For context I live in a city with actually ok mass transit, don’t own a car, and prefer to bike/take the train whenever possible. Trains, trolleys, bikes, and feet are the best forms of transportation imo.

That being said, body shaming or making fun of people with physical or mental issues (that may be no fault of their own) is just shitty. It makes this community look shitty. I hate reading comments about “loud car small dick this” or “fast car ED that”. It’s unnecessary. You can shit on asshole drivers without having to stoop that low. Secondly, some women enjoy cars as well; be more creative.

Finally, don’t act like cars can’t be fun. I’m all for phasing out the automobile and revolutionizing transport by returning to the ways of olde, but cars are fun. I understand some of you are grandparents and don’t like someone revving their straight pipes mustang down your block on a Saturday morning. That’s completely reasonable. But my god does this community act like you can’t have fun in a car. I absolutely enjoy loud and fast and powerful cars, because that’s an incredible work of engineering and it simply can be fun. Going fast can be fun. Being in a car that purrs like a lion can be fun. Going offroading or drifting or racing or anything in a car can be fun.

We won’t convince people to see our side by shitting on the things they enjoy. We convince people to try and see things from our point of view by actually looking through their perspective first, and acknowledging that while cars can be fun they are not sustainable.

ETA: Some people seem to think I think public roads should still be for cars. Never did I say that. I think the appropriate place for cars is the track. I would love to convert all the roads in my city to a mixture of bike and pedestrian lanes with trolleys running down the median. But cars can be fun and a track day can absolutely be a great time.

  • RubberElectrons@lemmy.world
    15 days ago

    Sorry man… I hate to break (brake?) it to you but there are no EVs in existence that can get the charge back into the battery as fast as you can get it out. Some systems dissipate the excess kinetic energy into heat using ‘braking resistors’, while others simply disable Regen to the usually sudden surprise of the driver (looking at you Tesla and Toyota), and kinetic energy gets lost as heat via brake pads.

    Also, https://www.shouldispeed.com/

    • Grayox@lemmy.ml
      15 days ago

      Of course it doesnt that would be perpetual motion lol. When you let off the accelerator it recharges the battery, i can go whole drives without ever touching the brake pedal. And all of that energy goes back into the battery. Elon is a cunt, but he didnt build my Car, the workers at Tesla did that. Its a great machine and a pleasure to drive, but I would sell it in a heart beat if I didnt need it to survive.

      • RubberElectrons@lemmy.world
        15 days ago

        You’re missing what I’m saying. Because you cannot get that energy back into the pack very fast due to thermal constraints (there is a maximum rate one can recharge any battery, depending on the pack’s particular cell chemistry), you’re dumping quite a bit of energy when braking. Less energy loss than traditional car brakes, but still a good fraction without getting capacitors into the design.

        Going over 100 is absolutely stupid, drag forces increase with the square of speed. Driving that way in a car is dangerous to everyone else, and the attempt at a physics based justification is just wrong.

        • Grayox@lemmy.ml
          14 days ago

          Well if I’m forced to drive I will continue tear it up on the freeway, sorry not sorry, but funnily enough, I am writing this comment while riding glorious light rail in a robust Metro system. If i have to drive Im gonna have fun doing it, and get to my destination as quick as physically possible.

          • RubberElectrons@lemmy.world
            14 days ago

            Yep, that’s that attitude which has resulted in this community being created.

            I’ve got my share of speeding tickets as we all do, but be reasonable. The energy in an impact goes up with the square of velocity… 3x faster means 9x the impact energy, and you’re driving a particularly heavy vehicle. It might not even be your fault if something goes wrong.