I’ve seen tables flipped, tv sets punched through, furniture thrown. And that’s just in the home.

How does one get to a place mentally where burning and destroying things, over a sportsball game seem a reasonable thing to do?

  • scarabic@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    When I was a kid I would get emotionally invested in the game, hoping my team would win and gritting my teeth because they might not.

    I really cannot relate to this at all anymore. I might wish for my home team to win but if they don’t play well then that’s on them, and I am not going to lose sleep either way.

    I can only guess that I got caught up in the games as a kid because my whole family was into them, rooting and clapping and groaning and swearing at the refs. I was small and my brain wasn’t fully formed and I just got caught up in that culture.

    It looks patently ridiculous from the outside. But I guess some people’s entire society is so into sports that they reach adulthood with this tribalism intact. It is after all a form of entertainment and people crave excitement and something to care about.

    I got sick of my emotions being caught up in an arbitrary thing that might go either way. It’s the same reason I hate holding stocks. When you wake up each day and see that you gained or lost money based on arbitrary forces you can’t control, it’s like having your emotions manipulated by RNG.

    Gamers know that when a game is entirely driven by RNG its bullshit not worth playing.