A French-American guy (grew up in US) in my school described an encounter at a zoo when he was a young. Apparently, he ran up to the exhibit and shouted, “look! it’s a daddy fuck and a mommy fuck with a baby fuck!”, much to the chagrin of his parents.
En francais, c’est un phoque
Quoi de phoque?
Ouate de phoque!
Ouate de phoque is the softest!
The Latin name of the species is “phoca”, IIRC
Foka kurwa!
What a cute little foka
Presumably using full English grammar and such it would be: “Matka foka” for mother seal. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say thats probably not how its translated properly fully in polish. But I was really hoping mother would be mama in polish so it could be mama fucker!
It is. Mother/mom = Matka/mama.
Taking another spin at it: Young seal = młoda foka, which reads almost like mother fucker :). Go check it out on google translate.
Also this meaningless mumbling: “tea who you yeah bunny” is fonetically equivalent to saying “you fucking dick” = Ty chuju jebany.
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In spanish it’s also foca, and in french it’s “phoque” which is pronounced “fok”
In hungarian its also fóka
In Italian too it’s the same as in Spanish: “foca”
In portuguese it’s also “foca”.
And my axe!
Better than the Hindi equivalent
Don’t leave us hanging