• Duenan@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Anyone else watching the tennis? Poppy might have this!

    Got my coffee but I think I need another soon.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Bleh. My hair hit my waist or past it and I really couldn’t be bothered with the hairdresser so while it was still wet from washing I just cut like 4-5 inches off to lose some length and neatened it up.

    I’ve tried a more straight cut this time. I don’t have a second mirror to check whether it’s even but I’ve been keeping it clipped up a lot anyway.

    I just don’t care anymore. I’m tired and literally just trying to survive.

    • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
      1 month ago

      I cut my own hair as well, have done for years, so you’re not alone. Hairdressers are expensive and I got tired of being asked personal questions about my private life but not being listened to when I told them what I wanted them to do with my hair. I do the trick where you make a ponytail at the front of your hair about as far down as you want your fringe to end and then cut it there, there are YouTube videos and how to videos and articles on it. It’s good enough for me, I wear a hair covering with my hair tied up underneath for work anyway 5 days a week. I don’t really care about how it looks, I’ve never been blessed with lovely hair anyway.

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        1 month ago

        Yeah, the personal questions and being in your space touching you… not a fan

        Normally I ponytail at the top of my head, trim a few inches off the end and then snip vertically for feathered layers but it doesn’t always come out exactly the way I want and can be fussy. So I thought I’d try the straight cut method I’ve been curious about, that if done well can let me go shorter overall.

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      1 month ago

      My hair seems to reach a natural stopping point at about my waist so I just ignore it entirely, other than tying it into a ponytail during the day. I tried the buzzcut route for a while, which is a little bit less effort each day but more hassle overall having to trim it every few weeks. It would be nice if you could just turn the hair growth setting on and off as required, this constant maintenance option sucks.

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Had a lovely night out last night with a new group - great group, we all want to get together again.
    Also, after a little throw up last night, I think after eating some of Zooki’s leftovers, Sammi not only got up for breakfast scarfed down a saucer of food and sampled a little more. She’s been off her food since the ultrasound so a huge relief…

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Last night’s bday dins:

    Honestly a great way to do it. Chuck it all on and everyone decides for themselves.

  • calhoon2005@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Went for a sneaky run in work hours yesterday, which means I don’t feel that guilty about not going this morning - so currently enjoying a coffee. Full month off due to being clumsy… Feels good to be back out there.

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Did Father’s Day shopping plus birthday shopping as Mr P’s bday is in a few weeks, and I thought I may as well get it out of the way whilst all the manly gifty goods were on display for the purchasing at a discount price lol.

    A friend of a friend of ours has a Staffy which has just had pups and we are being offered our choice. 😃🤔😃🤔😃🤔😃🤔 are my thoughts at the moment. I love them; I’ve always found them loving, staunch, and funny, such clowns. And I’d love for the kids to finally have a dog. And the breeder’s lovely. BUT… The side fence needs replacing and the neighbours insist they can’t afford to pay their share, so we’ve been nailing bits together and making do with star pickets for years. They’ve got a very exy breed of dog they’ve had for a few years (think several grand) so I’m surprised they’re not more motivated to do the fence, but blood from a stone I guess. A Staffy would eat the fence for brekkie. Plus they do need very strong, solid and consistent training right from the very beginning. Plus all the costs involved, on a single income 😬 I feel very sad inside, because I always thought that if you can’t afford to prioritise the costs of pet ownership for an animal that relies on you for it’s existence then you shouldn’t do it. If I’m not being a hypocrite then I know my answer, even though I haven’t given an answer yet. It’s not fair for the dog or us if we’re just scraping by. But it hurts. It’s not the first time I’ve been offered a pup; last time it was a Jack Russell, a breed I love even more (I’ve owned 3). That one really hurt to say no to, and Mr P was shitty at me for days, but I just can’t. I can’t if I can’t afford to be the kind of owner the dog deserves. And it hurts 😔

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      1 month ago

      You’re doing the right thing.

      Is Mr. P going to be equally enforcing the consistent training, doing the walks and cleaning the poo, taking it to the vet, paying for the costs? Responsibility for a pet tends to fall mostly on mum and all of the effort, cleaning and replacing chewed items also goes up with a baby animal.

      Hopefully there’s a better situation in future and you get to wholeheartedly say yes to a puppy.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
      1 month ago

      A Staffy is a major undertaking. It’s big and strong and you don’t want to neglect training. And they eat a lot and are expensive.

      Best for you all and for the dog.


    • TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone
      1 month ago

      " It’s not fair for the dog or us if we’re just scraping by. But it hurts. "

      Yes it hurts, but this is responsible pet ownership in action. You have nothing to reproach yourself if you decline their offer. The fence situation is a deal breaker too imo. And when it comes to strong, solid and consistent training - do you think anyone other than yourself can supply that? And there are so many other calls on your time and effort. What would happen if you or one of the minipeelers got sick? You’re doing the right thing - both for your family and for the dog. There will come a time in the future when the stars all align and its the right time to get a pup. Just not now.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    1 month ago

    Not really a fan of the new straight across. I softened the ends a bit but was too cautious, so it’s still a bit blunt and l don’t really like it. It is a more manageable length though.

    I’ve spent today just sleeping cuddled up with Melbcat. Daily life is really hard.