• abbiistabbii@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    The fact that a company can get away with killing someone because someone else in their household subbed to their TV service is fucked and we need to fucking kill that fucking bullshit, whether we will is another thing entirely.

      • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The TL;DR is that a lady died in a Disney park due to being served a dish with shellfish cross-contamination.

        The park was negligent in serving her the food, because she had clarified with the server that she was allergic to shellfish, and the server assured her there wouldn’t be any cross-contamination, and that the kitchen would take proper safety precautions. Either the server didn’t relay that to the kitchen, or the kitchen didn’t do their due diligence. But either way, someone employed by Disney seriously fucked up, and a person died as a result.

        The (now widowed) husband sued for wrongful death. Disney’s defense has basically been “he can’t sue us, because he agreed to binding arbitration. He downloaded a free trial of Disney+ on his Xbox two years ago, and that 7-day free trial’s ToS had a binding arbitration clause. Even though the free trial only lasted 7 days, the binding arbitration clause didn’t have an end date so it is in force in perpetuity.” Basically, Disney claims that he (and her estate) can’t sue Disney for killing his wife, because of a free trial that he never even subscribed to; He deleted the app from his Xbox after the free trial ended.

        It’s currently in the courts now, with a judge set to rule on whether or not the binding arbitration clause should apply. And if they set the precedent that it applies, then capitalism has truly won and we’ll be in the end-stages where you’re not allowed to sue any company ever, because they all have binding arbitration clauses.

        • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          Either the server didn’t relay that to the kitchen, or the kitchen didn’t do their due diligence. But either way, someone employed by Disney seriously fucked up, and a person died as a result.

          Given what I know about the restaurant industry, the chef probably thought the lady was just being “bratty” and made up her allergy to get a “special order”, and ignored the substitution request. Sadly I know too many “proud chefs” who just straight up ignore these things and the consequences when they trust their instinct instead of the order is

          That said, I’ve also heard of careless wait staff… had a friend of a friend go to a restaraunt and order diet coke. He felt light-headed after his third glass and realized his coke tasted “off”, when asked the waitress just told him

          “Oh, I just went ahead and gave you regular since you’re kinda skinny anyway.”

          Bro was skinny yes, but that’s not why he ordered diet. He was actually diabetic and had to go to the hospital to avoid dying as the “light headedness” was his body starting to going to shock.

          Needless to say, she was fired and the restaraunt was sued for the medical bills.

        • experbia@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          what exactly do these corporations think aggrieved widows and widowers will do when they go to hold companies to justice and are told “no justice for you peasant, get out”?

          do they think everyone who has just lost their life will go “ok… I’ll just live with that then, thank you Disney”? lmao

          i can’t understand for the life of me why all these organizations want to remove the systems we built as a society to act as sensible alternatives to violence. do they want to be violenced?

          • goatbeard@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            This is what happens when you stop teaching history; they don’t understand how things got to be how they are.

            • shneancy@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              i think it’s more hubris than lack of education. “oh sure every wannabe tyrant in modern history met a grisly death once they took one step too far… but they weren’t like me! :) i have teams of attorneys, and a golden mansion, and i’m not even a tyrant! those peasants are out of their minds, they signed the agreement to sell me their soul, it’s their fault, how could they ever blame me?”

  • Chestrade@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Piracy is wrong and should never be done. I am doing some research on how people actually pirate shows. Can anyone tell me how they do it, for research purposes?

    • MissyBee@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      When I went back to the high seas I read through the r/piracy subreddit. It is still usefull today.

    • Voroxpete@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      As an avid member of the selfhosting community, I actually have a lot of familiarity with this, since tools for downloading, playing and streaming media are a very popular thing to self host.

      So my understanding - entirely third hand of course - is that the following setup is used very widely:

      1a. A torrent client such as Transmission or Deluge is run inside of a Docker container alongside a VPN client. Because of the nature of containers, the torrent client is unable to access the internet at all if the VPN isn’t running. Torrent clients are, of course, intended for allowing users to share media that they legally can access and share, but their underlying technology unfortunately offers no way to verify that.

      1b. Either alternatively, or in addition, a usenet client is set up in the same way. I’m a little less familiar with how usenet works to be honest.

      1. Next, the user sets up a “Servarr” stack. This consists of multiple different self hosted apps, all of which can be run very easily using Docker. These programs scan and monitor the user’s entire media collection, and then automatically download new episodes of watched shows, download movies when an appropriate release is available (the user might, for example, configure to ignore cam releases and wait for digital). I’m told they even have calendars to show when content will be available. The user adds everything as easily as searching for the name of a show. It’ll even automatically pick up new episodes and seasons as they air. Servarr sends all its download requests to the torrent or usenet clients, and then moves the files into an appropriate storage folder when they are ready. It also monitors existing files and replaces them when better quality releases are found.

      2b. (For those unfamiliar, Docker is a kind of all in one platform for running lots of server apps together on the same PC, configured using very simple config files called Compose files. The Compose file contains all the settings for the app in one place, and Docker runs it in a way that prevents it from conflicting with, or interacting with, anything else on your system).

      1. Finally Plex or Jellyfin are setup (probably through Docker again, for convenience) to allow all the media to be streamed wherever the user is, just like having your own personal Netflix. Of course, these programs were designed to allow users to stream their own legally owned media to themselves only, but there’s no real way to control what users load into them. From there the files can be viewed easily through a web interface or a multitude of apps for phones, tablets, smart TVs and so on. Servarr has hooks that automatically inform Jellyfin or Plex to update their media libraries when new files, are added.

      2. Optionally, something called Ombi is added to this setup. It’s a little helper program that allows people to request media be added to the download / watch queue without needing access to any of the backend management (say, for giving family members an easy way to add media to the system). It even includes an optionally approval system so the owner can have final say over what is being added. I imagine this is very useful for people with children, or who are giving access to friends, for example.

      Edit: I should note for completeness that the hardware requirements for all of this are quite minimal. Typically a Raspberry Pi 4 or similar is used, with a USB hard drive or a NAS for storage.

      The net effect of all this is that a new episode of The Boys goes up on Amazon and almost the same afternoon it’s there on the Jellyfin front page, waiting to be watched. I’m told the convenience is, if anything, higher than that of using streaming services as all the media arrives in one place (I’d imagine thats a huge plus to kids and less technical family who don’t enjoy having to remember which service a particular show is on, especially with some services renaming themselves constantly).

      Of course, someone could also purchase blu rays of movies and shows, convert them to media files using a program like Handbrake or MakeMKV, and then add those to their Jellyfin or Plex library. Of course getting good conversions is fiddly, so maybe better to just buy the blu rays and then download a file that someone else has ripped for you already. Much less hassle that way, and you still legally own a copy. But I shouldn’t be editorializing here, like you said this is entirely academic. And who knows, buying a blu ray of Wish probably also gives Disney a legal right to murder you according to their lawyers.

      • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        1b. Either alternatively, or in addition, a usenet client is set up in the same way. I’m a little less familiar with how usenet works to be honest.

        I can add a little bit of context to the Usenet side of things. I’m by no means an expert, but I at least know the surface level stuff.

        Usenet is more like a server dead-drop. Usenet providers host servers, and people upload content to those servers. Then anyone who also has access to those Usenet servers can swing by and grab a copy. You use a Usenet reader to actually browse and download the files, sort of like how you use a torrent client to download torrents. The upside is that you don’t need to worry about whether or not a torrent is properly seeded; There’s a dedicated server that is hosting the file. The big downside here is that you actually need access to those servers. This requires a Usenet subscription, the same way you subscribe to your ISP for internet service. Not all Usenet providers have access to every server, (though many providers make attempts at parity with partnered companies.) So it’s common to need more than one Usenet subscription, for access to multiple servers for your various types of media.

        Usenet subscriptions typically work in one of two ways; By usage, or by time. Usage is like a prepaid cell phone. Maybe you buy 100GB, and you can then download 100GB from the usenet servers before needing to pay again. These tend to be cheaper in the short term, but more expensive if you’re downloading tons of data constantly. Then there are the timed subscriptions, which are just like a subscription you’d expect; You pay for a month, and you have access for a month. Many people will keep a monthly subscription with their main provider, then a usage subscription with a backup. So even if their main doesn’t have a file, their backup might, and they’re only paying for the backup when their main is failed.

        If this sounds similar to cloud server sites like Mega or Google Drive, that’s because it is. And it suffers from the same hurdles; Content owners can issue DMCA takedown notices on the media they own, and force the Usenet provider to remove it from their server. Usenet has historically been a more solid way to find full file downloads, but that was largely because content owners hadn’t bothered checking them for potential takedowns. In the past few years that has changed, and files often get taken down shortly after they’re posted. If a download fails on usenet, it’s often because the file got taken down while you were downloading it.

    • SailorMoss@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      On a note completely unrelated to this comment. MullvadVPN was raided by the police and was unable to provide logs and accepts cash by mail without providing personal information.

  • Someone8765210932@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Not letting Disney kill your wife “for free”. They are going to kill her either way, the only question is if they have to pay some money later.

  • LowleeKun@feddit.org
    2 months ago

    On a sidenote: You do not need to have a gf or wife to care about human rights. Powers that want to strip large parts of the population of their rights also want to controll you.

  • AeonFelis@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Wouldn’t they already have the right to do it because you’ve watched the first season?

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I actually hated Andor… I watched it up to the Heist and it just wasn’t worth it. My dad insisted it was “amazing” and to keep watching, the prison arc was okay… I was just glad Stormtroopers showed up instead of “Generic Imperial Soldiers in Military Uniforms”

    It just really felt like whoever made Andor just didn’t get or even enjoy Star Wars. It’s what finally made me give up on the series (Until Alcolyte won me back), I mean between that and Book of Boba Fett…

    And this is coming from someone who LIKES the sequels.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      2 months ago

      The people who made it clearly loved Star Wars. They didn’t only love the movies. They loved the universe. Andor is an exploration of what turns someone into a rebel. Most of Star Wars just ignores why the average person does something so they can have jedi superheros. Honestly, it’s boring and overdone.

      If you liked the sequels, then you’re watching Star Wars for the action and not the story and the world, because they couldn’t keep that straight. That’s fine. You get to enjoy what you enjoy. There’s plenty of Star Wars for you. There’s not much like Andor, and I appreciate it all the more for it. Andor is the best Star Wars ever made for people who care about the world of Star Wars, not just the entertainment factor.

      • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        No the story of the sequels is fine, the only contradiction is that Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker tonally feel like they belong in different trilogies and it’s a weird whiplash… but it’s a pretty consistently Star Wars level of stupid (I mean except for that dagger, that was just stupid)

        And this is another reason I hate Andor, the fanbase. Tired of having people say “Oh it’s okay, you’re clearly too dumb to understand Andor. Obviously the show is perfect and you’re just an idiot, maybe stick with something more your speed like Spongebob eh champ?”, and talk down to me because I don’t like everyone’s favorite show. I have never been so insulted in all my life quite like the “Oh, you’re just intellectually impaired.” I keep getting from Andor fans when they realize I dislike the show, and as a transgender woman living in America, that is saying something.

        Like, I can and have watched “smart shows” and “slow burns” before and enjoyed them. I just specifically don’t like Andor.

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          2 months ago

          The story of the sequels is absolutely not fine. It’s a mess. Off the top of my head, where did The Resistance’s ships go after ep 7? They suddenly have just a handful of ships for 8. Where did The First Order come from and why is The Resistance still only a resistance if they won after ep 7? Shouldn’t they at least be a major power? Don’t they have a large government set up that should be spanning many star systems? How did The First Order kill it will one shot of the new Death Star (blanking on the name, but you know what I mean). Why is it said that Ray’s parents are nobody, then it turns out that Palpatine is her father? There’s so many issues. I could go on…

          I’m not saying you’re too dumb to understand anything. I fully suspect you’re capable of understanding Andor and seeing the problems with the sequels. You’re creating a strawman that I didn’t say. I suspect that you’re just not interested in this though.

          That’s fine, but that’s not an objective statement, it’s an opinion. It’s not an opinion that the sequels are poorly written, as I pointed out objective issues with them earlier. It is an opinion whether I’m fine with that or not or if I like Andor or not. It’s not a bad show just because someone doesn’t like it. That’s expected. It’s well written though.

          • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            Literally most of that can also be applied to Episode IV… For that which cannot

            Starkiller base didn’t just blow up one planet, it blew up SEVERAL planets with SEVERAL figureheads… Asking why the Rebel Alliance’s Government doesn’t exist anymore is like asking why the American Government is limited to just the Enclave in Fallout. BIG FUCKING NUKE!

            as for Sidious being her dad, blame the fanboys who REALLY wanted her to be Luke’s kid that complained about the “nobody” reveal in Last Jedi

            The sequels aren’t perfect, but the haters shat on the prequels too… Heck Star Wars fans hate Star Wars movies so much that the only film that’s safe to “like” in a group of Star Wars fans in A New Hope, and even then it better not be any of the Special Editions.

            • Cethin@lemmy.zip
              2 months ago

              Literally most of that can also be applied to Episode IV… For that which cannot

              No, it really can’t. There are a handful of continuity errors, but not many. There are also very few created within the other two trilogies. The sequels have so many contradictions between each movie, sometimes within the same movie even. It was rushed with two directors competing against each other. Not something written by one director over time.

              Starkiller base didn’t just blow up one planet, it blew up SEVERAL planets with SEVERAL figureheads… Asking why the Rebel Alliance’s Government doesn’t exist anymore is like asking why the American Government is limited to just the Enclave in Fallout. BIG FUCKING NUKE!

              It blew up several planets in one star system. You have to keep in mind we’re talking about galactic powers here. It’s like blowing up Washington DC and then the entire US doesn’t exist anymore. To use your Fallout example, there are many power who claim inheritance to America, and that’s after an entire nuclear war wiping out all civilization and hundreds of years later. There should still be many star systems under their control, with hundreds of planets, billions or trillions (or more) citizens, and several fleets of ships patrolling around. However, there’s literally one fleet left. How? Even if every planet was destroyed there should still be many fleets that were out and about.

              as for Sidious being her dad, blame the fanboys who REALLY wanted her to be Luke’s kid that complained about the “nobody” reveal in Last Jedi

              I can only blame the writers, directors, and Disney. It’s their choice to ruin the project because fans asked for something. That’s how we got ep 7 basically. It’s just the same thing we’ve already watched again because they wanted boring generic action and couldn’t make something new and creative. The new bits suck, for the reasons I’ve stated and many more.

              The sequels aren’t perfect, but the haters shat on the prequels too… Heck Star Wars fans hate Star Wars movies so much that the only film that’s safe to “like” in a group of Star Wars fans in A New Hope, and even then it better not be any of the Special Editions.

              They did hate on the prequels. That’s true. It wasn’t for poor writing or world building though. It was for subjective reasons, like Jar-Jar being annoying (OK, maybe this one is so bad to be objective), or the opening trade negotiations scene being boring.

              As for fans hating every movie, yeah. That’s what you get when you have a large audience. You get a diversity of opinion. Some people care about how good the writing is, some the world-building, some how well told the story is, some the action, etc. None of the opinions are wrong. There’s stuff to like and hate in every movie.

              The sequels are objectively poorly written though. There’s so many holes and also a ton of things that just don’t make sense if you consider them for a minute. (The sith knife Rey finds with the Death Star map would require standing in a specific spot, and she just happens to end up there? No one thought about that for more than five seconds when writing it.) You can still enjoy them. There are large objective reasons why many hate them though. Before the Star Wars universe felt consistent. After it does not. There was always The Force to explain away minor things, but the sequels have mechanical issues that it can’t fill.

              Edit: This was far too long…

    • itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      I think most people who enjoyed it (including myself) did so because it’s not like most other star wars. It tells a more down to earth story without larger than life heroes

      • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        I mean I guess I can respect people who wanted something different, but it was too different. The earlier episodes seem to legitimately be ashamed of wanting anything to do with Star Wars and tried to avoid familiar imagery… That and again, the show is just boring.

        Like why did we spend two episodes getting to know this resistance force if they’re all just going to die in the Heist and never be mentioned again? I mean I get it, they’re not heroes they’re just normal people desperate to fight back against a corrupt system, but I’d appreciate that more if they were in anyway likable… They’re not as they mostly just spend the whole of their screen time whining that Andor “isn’t one of the cool kids” as if they’ve never heard the phrase “Many hands make light work” before.

        Like I hated this cast so much that when they were doing their drills and a tie fighter flew over head, I was just BEGGING for it to kill them… Sadly when the heist finally does happen, I feel nothing because the past two episodes were nothing but these resistance guys screaming at each other like they’re the disposable teenagers in an old horror movie and the opening of this episode was just 15 minutes of uninterrupted marching… I mean, I don’t mind building to something, but there’s building to something and stalling to meet a run-time; This felt like the latter

        And I have no idea why they even bothered introducing the Kyber Crystal if nothing was going to really be done with it… It just felt like they needed to name drop the kyber crystal to remind you those exist…

        Every reason why I DESPISE Andor can be summed up with “The Heist Arc”, the Prison Arc was better, but… It’s way too easy to suffer burnout while watching this show and by that point I was just happy that it at least felt like Star Wars. If I saw the Prison Arc in a vacuum I’d have loved it (Especially after how badly Book of Boba Fett just completely shit the bed), but on the heels of that Heist Arc my patience had been worn way too thin.

          • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            I didn’t the first time, but on the second viewing I was like “okay, I get it, that makes sense”, it’s easily my least favorite of the three though, but not my least favorite film overall (that would be Attack of the Clones)

    • Stovetop@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Unfortunately if you ever used Disney+ before, it’s already too late. You could start pirating all Disney content right now and still be forced into arbitration with them if they murder your loved ones. Only people who were pirating from the beginning are protected. Lesson learned, I guess!