• queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I mean, we’re having this conversation because you insisted Joe Biden was the issue

    Well, no, I insist that public support for Biden is the issue. Biden couldn’t do this alone. The real problem is that people fanatically support him despite his genocidal policies, which only ensures the genocide continues. What can I call that but pro-genocide?

    And I do not buy into the idea that Israel is somehow a rogue agent that just keeps getting away with war crimes. Israel could not do what it is doing without US support, and the US would not do what it is doing if the masses stood up and demanded the genocide be stopped. We really do have the power to change things.

    You seem convinced that nothing we can do can change anything. Deeply deeply cynical.

    Iran will definitely take the chance if they US would drop support for Israel. It is because of Israels support in large part from the US that they have not made rash moves, because they too have to balance their pushback on Israel and invoking a response from the US and allies.

    That might be true! Even if that’s the case, I don’t see why the US couldn’t strike a balance - stop arming Israel but also continue to pledge a response if Israel is attacked.

    There’s a lot more the US could do after that (arrest Israel’s war criminals and seize their weapons and dismantle their apartheid system and empty their political prisons) but that’s all pretty unrealistic to expect from the US and I recognize that. But! An arms embargo is, I think, a demand we can make of our leaders and I think we have a duty to try.

    Swing voters are pretty much by definition leaning more towards the Republicans than non-swing Democrats.

    And, because Democrats think the key to winning elections to to appeal to Republican-leaning swing voters, they constantly move to the right on foreign policy and immigration and trade etc. etc. I’m skeptical that swing voters are necessarily the key to winning! I still believe there’s a vast sea of untapped voting potential of people who hate both parties, but that a militant anti-genocide policy would draw them back into the voting process. Half the country doesn’t vote. Win their support and you can never lose.

    I agree. Biden can be a lightning rod for criticism instead of Kamala. But again, I don’t think anyone is really supporting Joe Biden that way anymore.

    You’re contradicting yourself. Does Biden have the support of right-leaning swing voters, or does not one support him anymore?

    I certainly haven’t seen such sentiment from the people you accused of being pro genocide. Support is very different from rejecting what they perceive to be inaccuracies or mischaracterizations. And the two shouldn’t be confused, nor easily determined if you’re going to assign the label ‘pro genocide’ to them afterwards. If you want to actually change things, attacking people will not make people with opposing views change their mind, and reasonable allies will abandon you. Even if you are right, you still need to convince people who think you are wrong. And assuming they must hold that position because they are pro genocide is just massively slashing your own tires.

    All I said was that Biden still supports genocide and that supporting Biden is pro-genocide, and this triggered a vicious wave of personal attacks and dehumanization by dozens of people. But, I don’t see how this is controversial. There’s literally no reason at all to continue to support Biden! We’re free to attack him as much as we want!

    And yet? By calling out his genocide I have been told I am a MAGA Trump supporter (I’m trans, he and his cult are literally going to kill me), I have been told I am not taking this conversation seriously, I have been called a bot over and over, I have been told that it’s actually me that doesn’t care about genocide, and I’ve been fed endless snide sarcasm from people who seem to think I am stupid. Go look at what I’ve said and how I’ve been treated. This doesn’t look like people who are rejecting inaccuracies or mischaracterizations, this looks like a hate mob of Biden supporters who fucking hate me for holding Biden responsible for his support for genocide.

    And if I wanted to actually change things I would log off and do something productive with my time. No one will ever be convinced by anyone arguing with them on the internet, and that was true before bots became good enough to fool people. I just have a horrible sickness that causes me to argue with people until I cry and hurt myself lol

    • ClamDrinker@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I was here since the start before any such messages appeared, so you’re not fooling me. You started out with “He’s still doing genocide y’all”. An inaccurate and laden statement which you rightfully got a critical responses for, not because people support the policy. You followed this up by calling your critics pro-genocide, regardless of their actual position. I’m sorry, but you don’t exist out of context either, so yeah, people are kind of not going to like you in this thread. It’s why you don’t attack people out of the gate, I warned you about that in my very first message. Hostility often creates more hostility. I don’t necessarily condone that, but you have thrown a little too much dirt to be surprised about being dirty.

      We haven’t even discussed whether or not I think we can do anything about it, yet you call me deeply cynical for a position I don’t hold. I do think more people in the US should be against the support for Israel. I do think the support makes Israel emboldened to commit genocide. I do think people can be convinced. But as I was trying to explain to you, I understand that other people look at different aspects and have different experiences to where they can be unaware of Israels atrocities, or are indeed willing to look away. And often those people are sadly needed for a majority that has chances of actually stopping the genocide. So they must be convinced to get the end result I desire, no more genocide.

      It should be obvious that anyone you ask if genocide is okay, they will say no. But people can have irrational and conflicting beliefs, and to actually make them change their mind the worst you can do is to effectively say “you are a terrible person”, even if it’s effectively true. Because if they’ve rationalized themselves to accept supporting Israel, being called a terrible person only emboldens that rationalization. There exists no magic incantation that will change this. (And it should be said, calling the people who very well might share your opinion on all but your questionable remarks, makes you look really bad)

      If you think you can get 50% of the votes in the US, I really urge you to start a party right now. Because by that logic both Democrats and Republicans could only hold 25% of the vote, so you could win in a landslide victory with the remaining 50%. But I think we both know that will not happen. But according to the data, ~66% voted in the last election. 34% is still enough for a victory, but that’s a tall order.

      I want you to understand that I’m talking to you because I want you to be effective at getting your message across. Having commendable opinions but being terribly self destructive in ways of expressing them is so incredibly wasteful and will at worst create more support for the thing you are rallying against. Clearly you have the vigor to stand up for what your opinion is, but actually changing things means taking on constructive, calm and respectful dialogue, and doing what’s effective over what perhaps more morally clean in the short term, but because you didn’t actually change anything, morally dubious in the long term.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        He is doing genocide! J’Accuse…! The US’s unlimited support for Israel is the only reason the Zionist entity can keep doing what it has been doing, you can’t deny that Biden is 100% fucking responsible here and. The US is materially and geopolitically and financially responsible for this genocide and he is protecting his co-genocidiers from any accountability with the ICJ or ICC or UN. You don’t get to pretend he isn’t doing genocide just because he isn’t personally flying the bombers or personally running people over.

        If you refuse to call that out? If you refuse to stand up against genocide and the genocidiers carrying it out?

        Then your silence is support. Your silence is violence. Your tax money and your labor are already being used to carry out this genocide, so if you don’t do the bare fucking minimum and speak out against it you are a genocide supporter. This thread, filled with people who refuse to condemn Biden or blame him for the genocide, is (in a very small way, admittedly) literally supporting Biden’s ability to do genocide. Our voices join the chorus of all voices of the electorate, so what we say about Biden and his genocide really does matter! We are not powerless, we can force Biden to stop this genocide if we have the courage to actually blame him for it and call him out.

        If you won’t even lift a finger or raise a whisper against the genocide you are materially supporting with your money and labor, you are de facto a genocide supporter.

        And yes, pointing out the truth pissed people off! They don’t like their complicity being rubbed in their faces because they don’t like being genocide supporters. I understand that! They don’t really want their tax dollars or labor to go towards genocide. And yet, they refuse to do literally fucking anything to try to stop it, not even say anything bad about the guy doing the genocide, so that means in every way it matters they literally are genocide supporters.

        If they united their voices against Biden and his genocide the genocide would end. We don’t get to wash our hands of this.

        If you think you can get 50% of the votes in the US, I really urge you to start a party right now.


        Only one of the two parties can win, c’mon, you know they have the whole thing rigged right?

        I want you to understand that I’m talking to you because I want you to be effective at getting your message across.

        Okay. Here is my message.

        1. Biden is doing genocide.

        2. supporting Biden = supporting genocide

        3. We can force this genocide to stop, and that starts with raising our voices against it. It isn’t hopeless.

        I think people have no hope. They believe there’s literally nothing anyone can do to affect political change besides vote every few years, and that they can’t change anything by voting either and so voting is just a way to stop Republicans from making everything worse. I don’t think they want to support genocide, they just don’t see any other choice.