FlyingSquid is a Zionist who actively censors content critical of israel. In the past this was using false claims of anti-semitism but after acquiring mod powers he has started banning anti-israel posters.
Edit: JordanLund has joined in and claimed that if you support any action of a group or individual, you fully support every action that group or invidividual has ever committed. Meaning that anyone who supports Joe Biden forgiving Student Loans actually supports the Genocide in Gaza and is a Zionist.
After acuiquiring mod powers on /WorldNews FlyingSquid bans me by making up lies about defending the usage of child soldiers which never happened:
Recently he tried to defend himself by lying about it
After being called out for lying FlyingSquid pretends to act in good faith for a little as if he was just confused that day. Let’s see what happens when we play along:
When pointed out the he was lying the crybully instantly paints himself as the victim who is “about to be insulted”. FlyingSquid is clearly trying to bait an insult to use as an excuse for a reban:
Despite not being insulted, the crybully still claims he was. The Zionist victim complex is a sight to behold. He now demands to be acknowledged for his abuse of mod powers likely hoping to bait an insult:
After failing to ragebait insults the Zionist crybully “changes is his mind” and starts tacking on random extra conditions as an excuse to reban me. He now starts demanding acknowledgement for how amazing he is for falsely banning people.
At this point it is very obvious FlyingSquid has no intentions to unban me from WorldNews and is just trolling:
As expected the Zionist narrative must be kept in check so FlyingSquid makes up more lies:
The mods comment was defending israel by claiming the Houthi’s were not blockading the red sea to prevent the Genocide from israel, but because they are just violent bad people.
This alone would not be a problem if Squid did not make up false accusations and banned me when his pro israel claims were challenged.
Just like with the MBFC bot I always support my accusations with evidence. I do not randomly start calling people Zionists for no reason.
Let’s start with that one. NONE of the moderators of [email protected] are Zionists. Throwing around baseless allegations can only lead to strife. I’m a staunch defender of Palestine, and hate what is happening to them.
We use MBFC because we need SOMETHING in place, and there aren’t many alternatives. There’s no perfect solution, and there are many topics, ASIDE from the middle east, as hard as that is to accept.
(emphasis added) - you love to call people you are arguing with Zionists.
For a person that claims to only attack with facts and data, you really love attacking us with neither.
Sorry to be this guy, but out of those 3 links, only the 2nd one was posted by FlyingSquid, are you sure you posted the correct links (might be a crosspost issue or something)
It very well could be a crosspost issue. Checking…
some were comments, and I grabbed posts. sorry
I know get server error. Not a big deal per se, thanks for checking!
apparently I can’t Lemmy today. Maybe I should eat something :(
It works now!
so confused. I changed nothing! I swear! Anyways, cool, and thanks for the feedback.
Respond to that one. Show me the evidence of me defending the usage of child soldiers as was claimed by FlyingSquid.
I do not care about his posturing and virtue signalling comments.
The behavior of Squid and him lying for israel and crybullying users away which disagree with him debunks your entire
Once again: If FlyingSquid is not a Zionist show me the evidence of me defending the usage of child soldiers.
You don’t realize how arguments work. The onus falls on the one making the claims. Furthermore, I’ve given you chances when the rest of the mods have begged me not to. I believe in allowing all viewpoints to coexist, but you chose to attack the same people that defend you.
I’ve shown you what you asked to see. I sent you articles posted by FlyingSquid doing just that, but if it doesn’t say EXACTLY what you expect, I get “ah ha! but they didn’t say my exact magical incantation!”
Going forward, you’re on your own. You’re no victim. You’re the bully.
How about you explain calling me and the other mods of News Zionists?
So show me the evidence of me defending the usage of child soldiers.
I didn’t make that claim. Why would I? I NEVER had beef with you, but you fucking call me a Zionist.
I’m saying I have raised the concerns about being wrongfully banned to the team in /worldnews and they claim that I said something which I never said.
You also ignore the very obvious crybullying powertrip FlyingSquid is on. Just read this comment chain without prejudice
I love how you refuse to acknowledge my issues with you. Always back to “but whatabout”.
This is why I’m done defending you. You won’t accept responsibility for how you wrong others.
I’m out.
So just to be clear 6 comments in and you have dodged every opportunity to explain how the WorldNews mods did not lie and make up a false accusation to ban me.