It’s only 4 years away! And surely the Chats have to play?

  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔
    2 months ago

    Alright, picture this…

    Stadium lights fade to darkness.

    Thunderstorm sound effect plays, and aboriginal chanting music (Yothu Yindi’s Treaty intro style) comes in, clack sticks and what not.

    Then the chanting matches the tone of the guitar riff intro of AC/DCs thunderstuck and we get a nice thumpy kick drum and the lightning visual effects with strobes and the like boost the atmosphere.

    Then from the darkness a single B&S ute style V8 appears, lit up with spotlights but with its infinite LED light bars all illuminated. And then it kicks off a burnout and donuts and what not…

    And as Thunderstruck reaches the crescendo we get more V8 utes joining in the circle work in a HDT precision driving team type backdrop as the original ute pulls up to the LA flag bearer in outback wear and a g’day mate mate she’ll be right mate mate type attitude.

    Bit of a hand shake, collect the flag, stick it in the roll bar of the ute as they do with flags, and as Thunderstruck and the aboriginal chanting fades out the rest of the utes all leave and its just the solitary B&S ute thongflapping its way back in to the darkness.

    Burnouts, utes, and fanging guitars. I’m on board.