- there’s a guy I’d like to know, we bump into each other sometimes. Last time I actually thought he was excited to see me but not sure of course… my self esteem is a rollercoaster.
- I can’t actually pursue something “serious” right now so I’d like to know him but in the most casual way possible. Just thinking about asking him out makes me feel sick
- this isn’t just about him but in general, what can I do, I really don’t know how to deal with myself.
I’m 26 and really need all help possible. I’m in a bad place at the moment and I didn’t even wanna post this… but a friend once told me to not let all areas of my life fall apart. Wish I had listened. Really just give me any advice you feel like giving me, it would be appreciated.
It’s not even rejection, which terrifies me anyway… But just imagining going out with him (or anyone really) I panic, I’m afraid something could go wrong and I would spiral down the black hole again (happened badly once). It’s about me mostly and I don’t know how to deal with it. Because of course I don’t want to deny myself dates forever
Yeah that’s tricky, take small steps if you need to! What if you made a list of steps, with each step tied to a specific timeframe?
Tomorrow say hi. The day after ask how they’re doing. The day after try to find a mutual topic to discuss, that sort of thing? Break it up into smaller achievable steps, so that each step forwards isn’t so intimidating?