TIL that in 2020, Burger King ran an advertising campaign featuring a picture of a moldy Whopper, to prove that their burgers are made without preservatives. This unconventional advertising method worked, increasing sales by 14% (according to multiple sources.)

  • P00ptart@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I mean, I HATE McDonald’s with a passion, but I’ll eat there over BK all day, every day. That rubbery patty that tastes like it was drug through an ashtray? No thanks. Both are terrible but I’ve eaten at McDonald’s 10-15 times in the last 20 years? BK once. And it reminded me never to eat there ever again. Last time I ate at Hardee’s, their new char broiled burger reminded me so much of Burger King that I won’t eat there anymore, either except for breakfast. Their breakfast is hands down the best breakfast in all of fast food.