I might not be understanding something about the fediverse, but isn’t this like if you couldn’t send or receive email from a friend because you use gmail Google decided to block @icloud domains?
Like, you’re not forced to follow or interact with it, and are free to block it if you can think of a reason to, I just don’t see why such an open platform used to limit users in this way
“Everyone disagrees with me, that is insane because I am clearly smarter than them all. Why won’t all you idiot people agree with me?!”
All of your comments in one reductive nutshell.
You seem to have low self-awareness. Do you happen to be autistic?
When did anyone disagree with me? Using “autistic” as a pejorative is more revealing oof your character than mine. Good luck!
Believe it or not I didn’t mean it as a pejorative and I was literally asking. I continue to perceive the comment-in-question as having low self-awareness but tbh, who cares. But if I’m honest with myself I did intend to be rude when I wrote my comment and I don’t believe anyone benefits when I write in that state of mind. So I apologize for that.
I find nothing wrong with being autistic besides that it entails additional challenges that folks face when dealing with allistic people and vice versa. But we understand it a bit more each day.