This is the first I’ve heard of it, but here’s one of his infamous quotes:

"There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews.

I mean, there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.”

His other quotes tend to be condemnation about specifically Israeli zionism and barbaric murder, but i don’t have context as to whether he’s referring to palestine or not. Some people might have more sympathy for these statements these days, but a lot of his other quotes have to do with Jews controlling money and media, less defensible prejudice.

    2 months ago

    really, it comes down to usage. science may not be able to pin down a “scientific” definition, and it absolutely is a construct–but isn’t everything that isn’t defined by a mathematical formula a “construct”?

    so if we’re stuck with using terms like “race” whether they’re “real things” or not, then i think it’s important to distinguish how they’re used. i will not agree that “jewish” is a race in the same way that “african american” is a race, because although both groups face oppression, one of them is a choice, and the other isn’t

    though it has to be said, that according to judaism, if your mother is a jew, then you are too, whether you want to be or not. i call bullshit on that

    hi @[email protected] !

    • Flying
      2 months ago


      though it has to be said, that according to judaism, if your mother is a jew, then you are too

      Only religious Judaism. Many Jews consider someone a Jew if they only have a Jewish father. Such as in the case of my daughter. I’ve yet to have anyone claim she isn’t Jewish. I’m sure some Orthodox asshole would, but he’d say I wasn’t Jewish either because I married a “shiksa,” so…