Seeing the liberty hub head mod get chased out because of an honest mistake is pretty fucking disheartening. Liberty hub was one of the only places that was free of the reddit brainworms that infest almost every lemmy instance because of liberty hub’s aggressive modding.

All of the people celebrating him being chased out have been banned from liberty hub for very valid reasons, whether they were very argumentative or genocide apologists. Seriously. Look up the modlog of the people actually celebrating it.

I could put up with 196’s bullshit by just blocking them and hoping none of their frequent posters wandered into spaces i took part in but the fact that non-voters is still allowed to run when it’s very clearly just meant to be a place to post content that’s incendiary towards people who hold political beliefs that don’t line up with mindgoblin’s as a reaction to mindgoblin being banned from liberty hub for being incredibly argumentative is honestly pretty gross.

I’m just gonna pass mod of the comms i manage to someone i can sorta hope to handle it.

I’m too fucking old and not terminally online enough to put up with this, i’m clearly not the target demographic. Good fucking luck

    3 months ago

    “Because of an honest mistake” undersells how absurd this was. What Grail demands is nonsense. They’re a self-identified narcissist who wants their gender capitalized… because of claims to divinity. No.

    Pronouns only matter here because English uses them to convey gender. Some languages don’t. In those languages, pronouns aren’t a queer issue. It is impossible to misgender someone by using the same pronoun you use for any other human being. That’s why nobody gets to replace you/your.

      3 months ago

      Ableist slur AND denying that the goddessgender person is the gender They identity as AND misgendering a trans person. Cruising for a ban, are we?

        3 months ago

        Yes, denying the supernatural exists, let alone relates to gender in any way.

        No, narcissist is not a slur, especially when someone self-identifies as one.

        You are a troll and a shit-stirrer. Welcome to my block list.

      3 months ago

      After reading some of Grail’s comments I have a really hard time believing that Grail is not a troll. Treating “wrong” capitalisation as misgendering seems crazy to me.

        3 months ago

        Unfortunately I have no trouble buying that they’re completely serious.

        But that sincerity is damn near the only difference between those demands and “attack helicopter” bullshit.

        Some people have mistaken the focus on pronoun choice for an invitation to make up whatever they want. Nevermind any discussion of gender - those aren’t pronouns. Arbitrary labels are called nouns. A label unique to you is called a name. Pronouns are generic stand-ins for those. Key word: generic. English only has four kinds. Three of them are appropriate for living persons. Take your pick.

        If we’re going to play what-if and deliberately modify the language, why the fuck would we make it more gendered? Everybody gets a “them.” Problem solved. Let’s spend our energy finding a second-person plural besides “y’all.”

      3 months ago

      Late last night a few hours after reading that mess of a post, I finally put my finger on what the whole thing reminded me of - “sapiosexuals”.

      People so in to feeling superior to others that they make it their entire identity, then it’s a mental hop skip and a jump from there to making it their “gender/sexual identity” so they can muscle their way under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella to use as their shield and claim they’re being oppressed whenever anyone calls them out on their toxic bullshit, which they have categorically never been oppressed for.

      Though I’ll admit, this specific example seems so completely ridiculous it rings more like the “clovergender” or adding P for Paedophiles to LGBTQIA+ 4chan-style troll attempts created deliberately to harm and discredit the community.

        3 months ago

        I’m not going to invalidate Grail’s experience with Their gender. Outside of western culture, there is actually some history of gender diverse folks being culturally elevated to, or at least associated with, divinity. Grail’s gender identity isn’t on trial here. Let’s not devolve the conversation to exclusionary language about a person’s identity. This isn’t about whether goddessgender is a queer or trans identity or whether we should respect Their desires when addressing Them.

        It’s about Grail being an inflammatory troll.

          3 months ago

          The mechanism for their trolling is phrasing absurd demands in the language of gender identity. Might as well have said ‘I identify as better than you and you must address me as Your Majesty.’

          Royalty is not a gender. But at least royalty exists, unlike the supernatural. Excluding that bullshit from the dead-serious human rights issue of gender identity is this conversation. What is the practical difference between insisting you’re a god and insisting you’re an attack helicopter? Neither should be taken seriously, specifically because all people deserve to be treated as human.