My least favourite day has gotta be Wednesday, whether you’re working or not, it’s right slapdash in the middle and you just FEEL you’re at the end of the tunnel but not quite…

But Monday? Eh, it’s a day that’s expected to come after Sunday so it doesn’t bother me much even when I was working.

Thursdays are sucky but less sucky than Wednesdays because you are actually reaching the end close

What about you guys? Are you the classic Monday haters or is there a specific day in mind you don’t like depending on your situation?

Thank you.

    3 months ago

    Wednesdays are the appendix of the week: they are superfluous and more of a nuisance than a help.

    3 months ago

    Wednesdays are in the middle, so after lunchtime you are past half way through the week. Woohoo!

    Mondays always fly by, I barely notice them.

    Thursdays are when the excitement for the weekend starts to build, maybe even go for a pre-weekender.

    But every week it’s there, full of important work stuff and fully aware of making the week unnecessarily long and painful.


    It even sounds like it’s giving you other options but it isn’t, it’s forcing dull bleakness onto everyone. You can’t even enjoy a Tuesday night because you tried to put off Tuesday with Monday night. Can’t do that again, at least until Thursday.

    Fucking Tuesday, no matter how much gets done and how well, there’s no joy in it. Just a numb acknowledgement that the time was passed as quickly as possible so we can get closer to Wednesday lunchtime.

    Can’t wait for Friday, seeing old friends. Good stuff happening at work on Wednesday and Thursday.

    Fuck you Tuesday.

  • Lettuce eat
    3 months ago

    Tuesdays are the worst for me.

    Monday has become such a meme that it actually can be a decent workday. I know some workplaces bring in snacks on Mondays specifically because of the “It’s a Monday” thing. Plus, if I had a good weekend, I still feel a little bit recharged from it going into the work week.

    Wednesday is hump day, which for me is encouraging to know that once lunch is over, I am halfway through the week.

    Thursdays are sucky, but not too bad because you have Friday to look forward to, and Fridays obviously are right next to the weekend.

    Tuesdays are still in the first half of the week, but they don’t have any of the culture of memes around them to make them fun, even in a “we’re all in this together” kind of way. So for me, they are the worst.

      3 months ago

      My dad used to have what we called “Sunday night mood” at the dinner table. He didn’t think it was as funny as we did