Nah, Gen-X here. That’s our parents and grandparents, brainwashed into the cult of Edward Bernays. The place was already doomed long before we got here.
The people currently fucking up everything right now in ways that boomers could only dream of are very much gen-x. The main exception being Zuckerberg who’s already a millennial.
Ok grandpa.
Yeah, I’m old. I also had better toys than kids these days, and they don’t even realize it.
a youth of mumblety peg and lawn darts no doubt
Well it’s a good thing you’re here to make sure they know then. Otherwise they might enjoy themselves without ever realizing.
You had better toys because y’all’s generations sacrificed your children at the altar of capitalism.
Nah, Gen-X here. That’s our parents and grandparents, brainwashed into the cult of Edward Bernays. The place was already doomed long before we got here.
The people currently fucking up everything right now in ways that boomers could only dream of are very much gen-x. The main exception being Zuckerberg who’s already a millennial.
Do you honestly think that’s because all the older toys got banned and not largely because toy companies sell whatever makes them the most money?
You played with toys as a kid? Back in my day kids worked. You little pansy