Hey guysss. Trying to find a job. But dont know where to start. What websites to use? Etc. I know rust lang and its more about finding job and not about my knowledge. Searching remotely job, half time, cuz im a student now. Thank you!

  • MajorHavoc@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Let your mentors know you’re looking for work, and how many hours you can work per week.

    New programmers provide negative value, so there’s not a lot of demand.

    I’m very good and studied hard, but my first couple of programming roles I got entirely because a mentor of mine recommended me to someone who took a chance on me.

    Also keep adding code to your public GitHub. Two of my top developers today I originally hired directly away from their retail roles. One had a ton of academic coding experience and had just not yet landed the right job. The other was just getting started, but posted a ton of low quality homework code to GitHub so I could read it and know who I was hiring.

    Edit: In contrast, one of my other top developers has one of the top CS degrees in the world. So that works too.

    And more than one of my top developers have IT help desk experience. I have had excellent luck when hiring folks with IT Help Desk experience.

    Edit 2: As someone else mentioned - your long term goal is to connect with an IT Recruiter that you trust, and work with them to get your resume, and GitHub, and/or binder full of code you wrote into shape. I’ve hired more than one candidate who admits the simply presented themselves exactly as their recruiter coached them to. And I’ve hired candidates I would have skipped, because their recruiter was someone I trust and they asked me to take a second look at a candidate who made a poor first impression.

    Edit 3: Since this is for newbies, some information about recruiters: we pay the recruiter in addition to what we pay you. The recruiter’s typical pay for a rookie hire is around $50,000.00, if you stay for a full year. Half up front, in case you don’t stay.

    A few things you should know about recruiters: they only need to make a few solid placements each year to earn a living. As a rookie, you’re the hardest to place, and the lowest layout when placed. But, programmers that are easy to place don’t move often, so recruiters may still have plenty of time for you.

    The recruiter is probably mainly placing you the first time in hopes that you come back later when you’re worth big money. The initial payent is nice, but the real payment will be if/when you have 5 years experience and still work exclusively with them.

    Hiring managers like me have recruiters we trust and reuse. If you can get recommended to a great recruiter, they will get you interviews at better places to work.

    In contrast, there’s lots of mediocre recruiters out there. Don’t be afraid to switch to a new recruiter, if you have the opportunity, and your current recruiter isn’t getting you interviews.

    • abhibeckert@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Edit 3: Since this is for newbies, some information about recruiters: we pay the recruiter in addition to what we pay you. The recruiter’s typical pay for a rookie hire is around $50,000.00, if you stay for a full year. Half up front, in case you don’t stay.

      On top of that - where I work it takes about six months for a new hire to start carrying their own weight. Until that happens, you’re paying other people to spend time helping the new person find their feet in the company. It’s not just coding either, a lot of it is little things like “who do I talk to when I when the VPN stops working?”

      The loss in productivity during that time is often worse than if you’d never hired the person at all. And most new people don’t last six months, so it’s generally a bad investment. One that is only done because if you don’t hire people, you’ll have no workers at all since established employees can’t be expected to work for you forever.

      Hiring people is a big risk. Anything you can do to mitigate that risk (evidence that you’re someone they should hire) will increase your chances of being hired exponentially.