• chaogomu@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    To be fair, Assange is an annoying cunt who I’d probably drone strike if I could. But I’m just trigger happy these days, so it’s a good thing I don’t have any sort of power.

    To sum things up, First, the US should never have gone after him. That was one of many, many wrongs committed by the US.

    But The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

    Assange is a rapist. Got to keep that one in mind here. The cases themselves were dropped, but some of the women have said they would still press charges if it were an option. But statute of limitations is in effect.

    Another wrong he committed, he released full social security numbers as part of his leaks, multiple times.

    As part of not redacting sensitive info, he got multiple Iraqi and Afghani civilians killed, because their names were in the documents he released.

    And he was a shitty boss, and a shitty pet owner.

    Other things, Assange has been on Russia’s payroll for a while. Wikileaks has never once released anything that makes Putin look bad. They did not host the Panama Papers, and Assange called them an anti-Putin, CIA fabrication.

    Now, I’m not saying that the CIA wouldn’t do that. But I will say that I don’t think any three letter agency in the world is competent enough to do so without getting caught at it.

    And finally he gave us the Trump presidency.

    No, fuck that guy. Probably doesn’t deserve anything more than the prison time he served, but it did deserve prison, especially for the rapes.

    If you want actual responsible journalism and document leaks, check out these guys.
