• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Raiders uses an artifact to great effect, are the amulet is necessary irreplaceable and uniquely expressed through the power of the sun on a particular day turning into a laser beam.

    And Indy happened to be there on that day? Odds are he’d have to wait months before things were in alignment. Also why did someone ever come up with this convoluted mechanism to show which building the Ark was in? Like were they planning on their civilization someday ending and there would someday be a scenario where it needed to be kept a secret… but not that secret, so that a hero could find it while bad people wouldn’t.

    Also who is even maintaining the various booby traps in the places Indy goes? Why design a building to collapse if someone takes an artifiact?

    There are so many things in an action adventure movie that exist simply for there to be fun action scenes. You’re thinking Raiders is fine (which it is) maybe because you didn’t watch it looking for flaws. Maybe because you were a kid when watching it, or maybe because the internet wasn’t telling you that you were supposed to hate the movie.

    RoS is simply consistent with movies from a different era. An era when people just enjoyed movies for what they were instead of going to movies pretending to be a bitter internet critic. All of the Star Wars Episodes are like movies from another era, it’s kinda it’s thing, the whole Episode thing is from 1930s Flash Gordon movies after all.

    A real criticism of the knife thing could be that’s it’s unoriginal, since it is the same thing as the amulet from Raiders of the Lost Ark. In fact the early part of the movie is basically an Indiana Jones movie but in Star Wars. But since I like both Indiana Jones and Star Wars, and I don’t think action adventure movies need to be 100% original, it was enjoyable for me.