I’m unemployed and that phone doesn’t ring, I have some much free time but I’m anti social… So I stay at home almost all day and only go out if I need to buy something or an interview comes up. Aside the house chores and videogames I don’t do anything else.

What you do when you have lots of free time?

Edit: I forgot I’m online studying for a driving license, but is so boring I forgot I was doing that.

  • orgrinrt@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Ah, now it makes sense. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you before, with a post about how can one plan to live alone for the rest of their life, or something to that effect, and it was exactly like this.

    Seriously, I think you should not only consider, but also just straight out start therapy. And you should start it pronto. I’m sure Italy has a more or less accommodating welfare system that makes this possible. Takes jumping through a few loops likely, but my man, you seem miserable and it makes me sad to see anyone live with a mind like this. Life could, and should, be as tolerable as possible, if not even nice. I realize you are in a mental state where this sounds unrealistic or just out right hopeless dreaming, but I’m telling you, if you are in a western Europe country and have access to internet and basic utilities, you already have all it takes to make you happy. The rest of it is just improving mental health and attitude.

    Best of luck, though I expect you won’t even consider any of this and will just continue taking the easy road of ignorance and giving up. And that’s fine, it’s your prerogative. But I truly hope you find some help and people around you to get you through this rut.