I got circumcised by a rabbi. I had a bar mitzvah. My ancestors were Jewish as far back as I can trace (including the ones killed in the Holocaust because they were Jews.). I am entirely steeped in Jewish culture. I am a Jew. You don’t get to tell me I’m not. That’s not up to you.
Yeah, typical American…
Why do you get to define who I am?
I got circumcised by a rabbi. I had a bar mitzvah. My ancestors were Jewish as far back as I can trace (including the ones killed in the Holocaust because they were Jews.). I am entirely steeped in Jewish culture. I am a Jew. You don’t get to tell me I’m not. That’s not up to you.
Does your MAGA hat fit you well?
I’ve never voted Republican in my life.
Now please tell me why you get to define who I am.