This study sought to assess the effects of a salt substitute (62.5% NaCl, 25% KCl, and 12.5% flavorings) on incidence of hypertension and hypotension among older adults with normal blood pressure.
At the risk of coming off like I’m criticizing, wasn’t I told to substitute my choices of fats, with margarine, and low-fat alternatives that were instead laden with other problems ? Oh, and the sugar alternatives like aspartame, and Splenda?
Forgive my skepticism. But I’m much healthier after a decade of going back to butter, sugar, and less processed foods? My medical chart is all I need for confirmation of my choices.
Encouraging news though.
There are no studies linking salt with any health issues. It’s just a lunacy of one very loud man.
There are copious studies showing the link between excess salt and hypertension and heart disease. This has been well established for decades
Mmm, nope -
I suggest you watch that video again. He agrees that high sodium increases blood pressure. Most of his points are about how it affects people differently and other lifestyle factors that affect blood pressure such overall diet and exercise.
Yeah, but high sodium means you eat kilos of it every day. No one does that. NO ONE!