I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won’t be surprised but don’t dismiss the findings out of hand. It’s important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

  • masquenox@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I would point out he gained most of his public support from promising everyone Aryan enough land a fammilly and job.

    FTFY… but I guess it doesn’t sound very socialist any more now, does it?

    Have u ever gone and spoken to a republican in person?

    Why? I grew up in a fascist regime, genius - I have been hearing the garbage fascists peddle since birth.

    Newsflash - you all sound the same.

    • but I guess it doesn’t sound very socialist any more now, does it?

      I don’t see how which group ur pandering to matters?

      in person?

      Why? I grew up in a fascist regime, genius - I have been hearing the garbage fascists peddle since birth.

      So that’s a no? Get off the fucking internet and go civilly speak to the goddamn people especially the ones u disagree with.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I don’t see how which group ur pandering to matters?

        Of course you don’t, fascist.

        Get off the fucking internet and go civilly speak

        Which part of…

        I have been hearing the garbage fascists peddle since birth.

        …didn’t you understand the first time around, fascist?

          • masquenox@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            You’re here running interference for fascists because you’re not a fascist?

            Call the internet historians… this is a historic first!

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Overt fascism is merely the visible tip of the iceberg, genius.

                You want examples of you regurgitating narratives created by fascists to hide behind? Sure thing!

                Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi. That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

                The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists.

                They are completely comparable acts both Hitler and the left are finding real examples of a problem

                So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it

                If I really wanted to equate the left with Hitler I would point out he gained most of his public support from promising everyone land a fammilly and job. Sounds like the same thing socialism is promising.

                I guess it’s just pure coincidence that you are peddling these excuses for fascism over and over again, eh?

                • First u cut off half my quotes rude. Second these are factually correct statements. Third I do not support or endorse fascism as it goes against my fundamental belief in equality. Fourth I do not excuse fascism and am greatly saddened by their unwillingness to engage in good faith discussion much like yourself.

                  • masquenox@lemmy.world
                    5 months ago

                    Second these are factually correct statements.

                    Sooo… you’re a fascist.

                    Third I do not support or endorse fascism

                    It’s not your personal feels that dictates your politics, genius - it’s the narratives you buy into and motivates your behavior that does. Do you need to be reminded (again) whose narratives you have regurgitated here? The ones you openly claim to be “factually correct?”

                    You’re a fascist - you just haven’t worked up the intellectual honesty to admit it to yourself yet.