We often think lots of animals are cute. Do some animals think humans are cute?
When elephants look at humans the same regions in their brains activate as when they look at baby elephants. So they probably think we’re cute.
Lol that’s awesome. Elephants are so dope.
When a human is in distress the same areas get active in human and dog brains, iirc.
I tripped and fell over one time and the racket I made woke my dog up. He looked across at me lying on the floor, yawned and went back to sleep. “Still alive? Jolly good. Wake me again at dinnertime.”
Lol my childhood dog was like that… However, I have no doubt that if there was any real danger, she would have known immediately and been right there.
She was a good girl 🥲
I’m sure he will react next time if you don’t lie and tell him the truth
Sorry, I’m tired and silly lol
Got eeeeem
I believe this as I’ve seen dogs visibly freak the fuck out when they think a human they love (or in the case of some dogs, a human that just exists. Because they’re all good boys and girls) is in danger.
This is a popular claim but dubious and probably not true https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/40275/do-elephants-see-humans-the-same-way-humans-see-puppies
Not sure if cute is the right word per se, but I know ostriches can sometimes get so attracted to their human farmers that they stop doing mating displays for other ostriches, and only do them for the farmers.
So at least one animal thinks we’re hot.
I heard Mark Zuckerberg fucked an ostrich.
I heard that he was a convicted pedophile and the recipient of the world’s first rat penis transplant.
Does this count? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/08/the-dolphin-who-loved-me
Instead, he encouraged Lovatt to press on with teaching Peter English. But there was something getting in the way of the lessons. “Dolphins get sexual urges,” says the vet Andy Williamson, who looked after the animals’ health at Dolphin House. “I’m sure Peter had plenty of thoughts along those lines.”
“Peter liked to be with me,” explains Lovatt. “He would rub himself on my knee, or my foot, or my hand. And at first I would put him downstairs with the girls,” she says. But transporting Peter downstairs proved so disruptive to the lessons that, faced with his frequent arousals, it just seemed easier for Lovatt to relieve his urges herself manually.
Let me ask my dog quick.
He spun in a circle then scooted his but across the carpet. So… Yes?
Your dog has worms
I imagine to most animals we appear absolutely terrifying. this is evidenced by behaviors toward us prior to earning trust.
Dolphins seem to be infatuated with us. I mean like the recent splashdown they did not come to the surface until humans started showing themselves out of the vehicles. My dog loves humans and pretty much all animals she meets but gets more excited the younger they are and just goes bananas when an adult is holding a child. Two for one.
I think you’re cute. Hope you have a great day in knowing you got a well deserved complement.
Awh thanks. 🥰
I read something about some resarchers looking at what goes on in the brains of elephants when interracring with humans. They concluded that it was similar to the reaction when humans encounter cute things. Was a really long time since i read that. So take it with many salts.
For wild animals, probably not. For domestic animals, like a dog for example, we know they have been bred to be loyal to humans. What is interesting is that some dogs prefer certain physical features and get defensive about others. My dog for instance prefers women, and in particular, brunette women, as that is what my fiancé is. But my dog freaks out when she sees a man with a beard. I don’t think my dog views brunette women as cute and men with beards as not cute, but something makes her find one type safe and attractive and another type dangerous and repulsive. What’s interesting is when I grow my beard out (about an inch or two before it’s too itchy and I shave it) she loves it and can’t stop licking my face.
dangerous and repulsive
I’ve been told worse things but never by a dog.
Maybe she just wants to lick away the beard?
The problem answering this is that there’s an uncrossable barrier involved.
We can’t, at this point in time, accurately and definitively detect the internal perceptions of animals.
We can, to a limited degree detect how their brains change during a given events. We can observe behaviors as they exist. And, it is possible to compare those to human equivalents.
But they are, at the end of the day equivalents. There’s simply no way, at present, to ascribe human concepts to the way they think. The best we can ever say is that animals seem to respond and change in rewards ways that are similar to, or even identical to, the way humans respond to a given stimulus.
“Cute” is a pretty vague concept to begin with, and it’s a concept that refers to a complex series of internal reactions we have to external stimuli.
With all of that said, some animals do seem to respond to humans in a similar way we do to animals considered cute by most humans. That’s the best we can do until someone cooks up something that lets us more fully track what’s going on inside an animal’s mind.
Thing is, mind is a concept in the first place, and it isn’t exactly defined in measurable and totally objective ways as of yet. So, we’d first have to find a way to “read” human minds before we could start to try and compare that to animal minds. So, that some seem to is likely the best answer we’ll have in our lifetimes
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I think it’s genetic for all mammals to find all baby mammals cute. Adults, IDK.
The pattern that makes us think things are cute (=young) is pretty universal among animals. It includes big eyes, big heads in relation to the rest of the body, small noses and a small mouth. We find things like cats super cute, because even adult cats are pretty close to that pattern, compared to f.e. adult humans.
So I guess that an animal whose adult form is less close to this pattern than ours would probably think of us as especially cute?
I personally think we’re pretty hideous though. Weird, hairless apes.
Adult dogs, cats, bears, tigers, raccoons, etc. are def cute.
Adult kangaroos are cute and ripped
I think you mean “sexy”.
Goldfish do;
I hardly think so, I think we’re seen as dangerous by the smaller and like we see a velociraptor from the bigger.
The way my cats look at my I’d say so.
“Fiiine, I shall keep you hooman”
Damn Ferengi cats.
A lot of animals see cute baby animals as easy food. Although some also see them as scary since they often have angry parents around.